Almanac (fromArabic. ألمناخ—astronomicalcalendar) is a typeof serialpublication, an ongoingcollection of literary-artistic and/or popularscience works, unitedon anybasis ( thematic, genre, ideological and artistic, etc. p.).
Unlike a journal, it is usually published once a year, not always with the same periodicity or even isanon-periodiccollection containing information from various areasof social activity, usually indicating literary novelties, scientific achievements, legislative...
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Dementia: Prodromal
Pre-dementia states considered as prodromal are mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and mild...
Supply and its determinants
The law of supply
The law of supply states that there is a positive...
FYRE: Величайшая вечеринка, которая не состоялась. FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened. (2019)
Музыкальный фестиваль FYRE на частном острове на Багамах должен был стать самой крутой и...
Agriculture and industry in the Middle East
Agriculture and industry in the Middle EastFrom the characteristics of the climate and relief, it...
KFSM - 5 News Live TV. Arkansas, USA.
KFSM-TV is the CBS-affiliated television station for the Arkansas River Valley and Northwest...