How the strange scientific instruments of antiquity worked, which miraculously survived to our times
Millennia ago, people still sought to know the world around them. They came up with a variety of tools that allowed them to carry out certain measurements and calculations. Each of these devices was a step towards modern scientific achievements and the development of new technologies. The most surprising thing is that many of these tools can be seen today.
Ancient observatories
Ancient observatories, built around the world to observe celestial bodies, have reached our days in one degree or...
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Toy Story. (1995)
A cowboy doll is profoundly threatened and jealous when a new spaceman action figure supplants...
How to learn to spend money on yourself
Spending money on yourself without regrets, anxiety and guilt is an art that is not inherent in...
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Inception (2010)
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What is Human Genealogy?
Every person at least once in his life thought about what the origin of his surname was, who...