News and Media
Exclusive most reputable scientific journals in the world
Which scientific journals are the most popular and widespread in the world? Which magazines are the best? What do the facts say?
Among the huge number of existing popular science journals, not everyone can boast of special articles that they publish. Let's talk about the most famous who proved to the whole world that the quality of the material is in the first place.Consider the top 7 popular science magazines.
7. Journal "Scientific American"In the seventh position - "Scientific American"...
15 fascinating popular science channels
Did the egg come before the chicken or vice versa? The authors of the AsapSCIENCE channel will shed light on this question. They present the material in simple language and with a sense of humor. By the way, the videos are beautifully illustrated. By subscribing to the channel, you will learn whether to believe in horoscopes, how to fall in love with a stranger for 36 questions and what are the consequences of stress. Each video has high-quality subtitles, which...
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Белорецкая телекомпания (БТК). Прямой эфир.
Телевидение города Белорецка. Новости Белорецка на русском языке.
Для просмотра телеканала за...
Терминатор. The Terminator. (1984)
История противостояния солдата Кайла Риза и киборга-терминатора, прибывших в 1984-й год из...
Examples of guerrilla marketing – promotion through creativity in advertising with a small budget
Many have heard of the term guerrilla marketing, but few have really resorted to it, and it is an...
Knowledge Management
What is knowledge management?
Knowledge management is the process of creating, selecting,...
The Current War. (2018)
The dramatic story of the cutthroat race between electricity titans Thomas A. Edison and George...