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Public goods: real-world examples
Key points
Goods that are nonexcludable and rivalrous are called common...
Плата за страх. The Wages of Fear. (1953)
Четверо храбрецов, застрявших без денег в крошечном городишке где-то в сердце Латинской Америки,...
Neural networks for business and how to work with them
What are neural networks?
Imagine that you need to develop a program that will automatically...
Understanding the Business Environment: Key Factors and Trends
The business environment encompasses all external and internal factors that affect a...
Вести Хакасия. ТВ прямой эфир.
В настоящее время филиал ВГТРК ГТРК «Хакасия» является структурным подразделением...