Secrets of Productivity
Is this productivity needed at all?Productive – creating value, bringing results. The higher the productivity, the more results you are able to bring in less time. Being unproductive in our time is considered unfashionable. The entire "photogram" (a social network banned in the Russian Federation) is crammed with a similar routine:I got up at 5 in the morning, ran 40 km, cooked breakfast for 6 people and already earned 100k. And the time is only 5:45In fact, of course, this is not the...
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How Frequently Should I Post to Maximize Engagement and Growth?
One of the most common questions new content creators ask is how often they should post to see...
Комната. Room. (2015)
Джой похитил маньяк, когда она была подростком. С тех пор она живет в крохотной комнатке вместе с...
Do I Need a Business Plan?
When starting a business, one of the first questions you may ask is whether you need a business...
Windows OS will be transferred to the "cloud"
Microsoft has planned to completely transfer the Windows operating system (OS) to the "cloud"...
Город Бога. City of God. (2002)
Парень по кличке Ракета, балансирующий между честной жизнью и мелкими правонарушениями, и его...