Named top 28 largest charitable foundations in the world
The largest charitable foundations in the world are much more than just financial assistance to people with disabilities, sick children and adults. These organizations are engaged in the collection and delivery of humanitarian aid, support important social projects in education and healthcare, global initiatives in the scientific and cultural spheres. Their goal is to improve the quality of life of people around the world. A characteristic feature of the philanthropic sphere in recent years...
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Law of Supply
Key points
The law of supply states that a higher price leads to a higher...
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What is Java?
Java is a statically typed object-based programming language. Its ability to run...
Modern children sit a lot:
Modern children sit a lot:
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Рождество на двоих. Last Christmas. (2019)
Кейт работает в магазине рождественских товаров, злоупотребляет выпивкой и давно бросила...
Логан. Logan. (2017)
В недалеком будущем уставший от жизни Логан заботится о больном профессоре Икс, который прячется...