What is philosophy?
Life, science and culture in general require from us and, above all, from young people, perfection, energetic curiosity, creative imagination, inquisitive thought, refined intuition, broad outlook and wisdom. The study of philosophy contributes to this.
The Greek word "philosophy" goes back to the names of Thales, Heraclitus, and Pythagoras. Its deep meaning was first subjected to a thorough analysis by Plato and Aristotle. The age of philosophy is very venerable (more than 2.5...
What is Philosophy?
What is called philosophy is sometimes considered an occupation that everyone can do, and therefore is a simple and understandable occupation, but sometimes it is considered so difficult that it is simply useless or impossible to engage in it. This, paradoxical statement, gives rise to the question: what is philosophy?
The purpose of this work is not just to explore the concept of philosophy, but also to understand its essence. Answer the question: what is philosophy? To delve into the very...
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