Even the best sellers in the world can not go out - they need a support group that will remove the burden of unnecessary work from them and allow them to fully focus on concluding a deal. The support group includes technical specialists, advertisers and marketers, office workers, logisticians, all those who "clear" the way for salespeople and allow them not to care about some technical issues.
It is impossible that there are too few of them, because then sellers will have to spend time on...
How do I organize a support group?
In this article, we will talk mainly about the so-called peer support groups, in which participation, organization, responsibility and support are provided on the principle of "peer equal" - without a guest psychologist or facilitator, when the process is alternately facilitated by one of the participants and participants of the group. In these groups, all decisions are made by the members of the group, and the group members are responsible for organizing the group. This is their main...
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