"Traitor to the motherland and draft dodger": how the boxing legend from the United States did not want to participate in the mobilization
A high-profile story about Muhammad Ali.
In the middle of the last century, the US military invaded the territory of Vietnam. The U.S. war with the "communist regime" in that country lasted nearly 20 years. Half a million Americans participated in the fighting, of which, according to official figures, 58,000 did not return home, and hundreds of thousands became crippled. The more the conflict in Vietnam dragged on, the worse the mood of ordinary people became. Mobilization and conscription...
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The Black Demon. (2023)
Stranded on a crumbling rig in Baja, a family faces off against a vengeful megalodon shark.
What is corporate culture and why do organizations need it?
What is corporate culture and why do organizations need it?
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Indexing and its limitations
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A payment is said to be indexed if it is automatically...
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