    Concursus (Latin concursus - clash, coincidence) is a competition, the competition of several persons in the field of art, sciences and other things, in order to select the most outstanding (or outstanding) contestant-contender for victory. The competition can be held in several stages (as a rule: qualifying, main and final). A competition is the process of determining the best contender for victory (contestant), or the best contenders for victory (contestants), in accordance with the rules...
    By FWhoop Xelqua 2023-06-30 18:07:45 0 274
      The 5th season of the art competition from the gallery in London. Applications are accepted: until April 1.Do you have any doubts: "Are my works good? Do they meet the zeitgeist?" A similar internal dialogue occurs in everyone. Artists, even those who have become famous, wittingly or unwittingly compared and compare their creations with those of others. According to the Boomer Gallery, any work can become great, in any style, even a line on paper. Therefore, they hold this exhibition...
    By FWhoop Xelqua 2023-03-11 19:45:33 0 326
    International Art Exhibit
    All authors working in the formats of contemporary art are invited to participate in the NordArt 2023 competition: painting, sculpture, installation, photo, etc. Also within the framework of the event, an art residence for artists will be held. NordArt is one of the largest contemporary art exhibitions in Europe, held since 1999 and annually representing more than 200 artists from around the world. As an internationally recognized forum for cultural education and...
    By FWhoop Xelqua 2023-02-26 17:44:53 0 409
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