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Принцесса Мононоке. Princess Mononoke. (1997)
Убив вепря, юный принц Аситака навлек на себя смертельное проклятие. Старая знахарка предсказала,...
Perfect Competition And Why It Matters
Key points
A perfectly competitive firm is a price taker, which means that it...
Top Five Kids Cartoons
Kipo and the Age of WonderbeastsThis fantastical anime-style Netflix series follows Kipo Oak, a...
Art Humanities: Exploring the Intersection of Creativity, Culture, and Critical Thought
The term Art Humanities encompasses a broad range of academic disciplines that study the human...
Fox 61 CT Live TV. Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Fox CT (WTIC) is a Fox affilitate local TV channel from Hartford, Connecticut. The channel first...