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Autism Spectrum
The autism spectrum, often referred to as just autism, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or...
By Kelsey Rodriguez 2023-02-10 18:14:34 0 162
Телохранитель. Yojimbo. (1961)
В некий японский городок приходит самурай. Самурай выглядит совершенно не по-самурайски: плохо...
By Nikolai Pokryshkin 2023-02-19 14:43:31 0 316
Artificial Life
Artificial life (a-life, from artificial life) is the study of life , living...
By Michael Pokrovski 2024-03-20 19:30:41 0 188
What is Health?
What is Health? And really, what does it mean to be healthy? Most will answer: not...
By Leonard Pokrovski 2024-04-10 00:59:19 0 109
Central America Murders
On January 11, 2017, a major event occurred in El Salvador: no one was killed. The news of a day...
By FWhoop Xelqua 2023-04-12 18:10:29 0 399

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