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Psychosis: Disability
DisabilityThe classification of psychosis as a social disability is a common occurrence....
Agriculture and Forestry: Pillars of Sustainability and Global Prosperity
Agriculture and forestry are two of the oldest and most essential human activities, serving as...
Psychosis: Methamphetamine
Methamphetamine induces a psychosis in 26–46 percent of heavy users. Some of these people...
Плата за страх. The Wages of Fear. (1953)
Четверо храбрецов, застрявших без денег в крошечном городишке где-то в сердце Латинской Америки,...
Ходячий замок. Howl's Moving Castle. (2004)
Злая ведьма заточила 18-летнюю Софи в тело старухи. Девушка-бабушка бежит из города куда глаза...