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The Allure and Challenges of Rural Living
Rural living has always held a special charm for many, offering a slower pace of life, closer...
Сокровища Сьерра-Мадре. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. (1948)
В небольшом мексиканском городке Тампико знакомятся два бедняка Доббс и Кертин. От местного...
Fox 31 Denver. Live TV. Colorado, USA
KDVR is a Fox-affiliated television station located in Denver, Colorado, United States. When no...
Chocolate and its history
The history of chocolate began in Mesoamerica. Fermented beverages made from chocolate date back...
16 of the best games of our childhood that we lost
In the XXI century, children quietly disappeared from the courtyards of large cities - now they...