Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals
Biotechnology: Unlocking the Future of Medicine, Agriculture, and Sustainability
Biotechnology, a field at the intersection of biology and technology, has revolutionized how we understand and manipulate living organisms to meet the needs of society. From groundbreaking advancements in medicine and healthcare to innovations in agriculture and environmental sustainability, biotechnology is reshaping industries and improving lives across the globe. As we move further into the 21st century, biotechnology is poised to address some of the most pressing challenges facing...
Both biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies produce drugs, but drugs produced by biotechnology companies are derived from living organisms, whereas drugs produced by pharmaceutical companies usually have a chemical basis.
The emergence of the term biopharma further complicates the situation. The term describes companies that use both biotechnology and chemical sources in their medical research and development. (R&D).
Key findings
Biotechnology companies derive their products...
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