Search for an expert to produce in Telegram. How to find? What to offer? How to negotiate?


After we have chosen a niche in which we will work as a producer, we need to find someone whom we will actually produce and earn on it.

Yes, we need an EXPERT. And not just any, but suitable for certain criteria.

  • What should it be?
  • Where can I find it?
  • What should he write?
  • How to offer joint cooperation?

These questions in the early stages can drive an inexperienced producer into a dead end. That is why I decided to devote a separate article to the search for an expert, in which I will give answers to the most important questions on this topic.

So read...


- What should be the ideal Expert Advisor?


- There is no perfect Expert Advisor.

As well as ideal people, in fact. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, at the very first stages of our work, let's say goodbye to the idea of finding the perfect expert.

When looking for our first Expert Advisor, we need to focus a little on other criteria. It is these that I propose to analyze in more detail.


Criterion - 1.

Coverage of 1 - 3 thousand people.

This means that the expert should already have his own audience, which knows him as a specialist in any field, and to which he can reach with one of his messages.

This message can be a post on the wall of Vkontakte, stories on Instagram, a message in any chat, or all together. It does not matter in which social network the expert interacts with his audience, the main thing is that he already has this audience.

Why is coverage important, and not the number of subscribers?

The fact is that today it is foolish to focus on the number of subscribers in any social network. In the era of gives and cheats, the number of subscribers has long been not an indicator.

An expert may have 10,000 followers, but only 100 of them are alive and involved. That's 1% engagement. And at the same time, an expert can have 1,000 subscribers and 400 of them are active, and this is already 40% of involvement.

The main thing is the quality of the audience, not its quantity.

Why should the coverage be 1-3 thousand people?

This is the minimum number of people with the help of which at the next stages of our work it will be possible to make an analysis of the target audience and form the first paid info-products on the basis of the data obtained.

The expert's audience will allow us to launch in Telegram without investments at all, and the money received will already be invested in attracting new traffic, but already in Telegram itself.

If the coverage is less, it will be difficult to make a qualitative analysis of the audience, and most likely it will not be possible to test a new product without monetary investments. Therefore, coverage is important for us.

Criterion - 2.

Expertise is clearly visible. You yourself would go to study with this specialist.

Without this, it will be very difficult for you to produce an Expert Advisor in Telegram. An expert should demonstrate at the very first moments of contact with his audience that he is a professional in his niche, he has something to learn.

When communicating with such an expert, there should be a feeling that you took a sip from a huge ocean, and inside there is still an incredible amount of valuable and high-quality information that was taken by the expert not from the ceiling, but accumulated by years of practice in his niche.

Have you heard of the 10,000-hour theory? Its essence lies in the fact that a person can become a professional in any field only after earning 10,000 hours of personal practice. That's about 5 years of hard work.

So, your expert should have behind him the same 10,000 hours of work in his niche. In this case, it will be much easier for you to promote this specialist, since you will have a "quality product" on your hands, which in most cases will sell itself, and you will not even need to strain.

Criterion - 3.

The presence of successful cases, reviews and positive experience.

This paragraph can be considered as an addition to the previous one.

Reviews of real people/customers are the most powerful sales tool. And if your expert does not have a positive work experience and satisfied customers, then this is a clear sign that this expert should be bypassed.

Criterion - 4.

The presence of large competitors with a similar product.

If your expert is one warrior in the field, this does not mean that his niche is too narrow, and not everyone can be his target audience. It's much simpler. Most likely, if the expert does not have large competitors with a similar product, then the expert has chosen the wrong niche, and people simply do not need what he offers.

You and I have already gone through the issue of choosing a niche, and we remember that the higher the competition, the greater the demand. And where there is a great demand, there is always a lot of money. Therefore, make the right choice in the direction of those experts who offer popular products to the market, and not "invent a bicycle".

Here are 4 main criteria you can rely on. On our program, we run an expert according to 9 criteria, but in the first stages 4 will be enough to filter out any specialist, and determine how suitable he is for you to produce in telegram.

Where can I find an expert?

Once we have decided what our expert should be, we can proceed directly to his search. There are 3 main options for this. I propose to analyze each of them in order.

So, the options for finding experts:

1) Personal social circle.

I am sure that most of us in the environment have people who are experts in some niches. And it will not be difficult for you to conduct a small analysis to determine for yourself whether among your acquaintances there are specialists with whom you were interested in working as a producer.

2) Social networks.

The most extensive source of experts. Vkontakte, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram. In each of these social networks there is a huge number of experts with whom you can start a joint mutually beneficial cooperation.

3) Folds/Pirate Plum Courses.

On these resources, you can find authors whose courses were leaked by pirates, and go to these authors directly with your proposal. Folds are convenient because there all the courses are divided by topics, and you can simply choose the areas you are interested in and get a number of experts with whom you can start working.

How to position yourself in front of an expert?

Okay. Here you have selected for yourself a number of experts who fully fit the criteria described above. So what's next? How to make this expert agree to cooperate with you?

Before you get in touch with your experts, you need to understand one very important thing:

The producer is a key figure. Expert Advisor - replaceable. There are practically no good producers, and even more so in Telegram today, and you are now definitely worth your weight in gold.

Understand that you are a valuable frame that can bring an expert a lot of money. Therefore, in no case should you impose yourself on experts, and even more so ask them to give you the opportunity to work with you.

Your task is to find yourself a worthy specialist with whom you will jointly help each other earn money. No need to go under an expert. You have all the trump cards, and you decide according to what rules the cooperation will go. Okay?

What to write to an expert?

The most important rule is not to be spammers. Do not write kilometer-long text porteries in which you paint your "unique commercial offer", and decorate all this with a ton of emoticons, turning the message into a New Year's garland.

Remember, your main task is to close the expert for a personal meeting or a video call. Therefore, you do not need to try to fit your entire proposal to the expert in one message. The ideal structure of your message would be:

Short message + question = reason to start communication.

And already in the process of communication, you can close a person to a video call in the process of which your proposal will be revealed.

Sample message:

Svetlana, welcome. My name is Alexander, and I produce experts in Telegram. Now I am looking for strong experts in the direction of fitness dietetics. You have a cool profile. And the content is really engaging. Have you had experience in teaching people? What do you think about the launch of your info-product and its promotion in Telegram?

Of course, this is not a ready-made message template, but just a skeleton from which you can start.

A similar message is sent to 15-20 experts, and then we close them to a video call, during which you will need to present your proposal to the expert.

What your video call should be and according to what scenario to conduct it is a separate topic that I will not cover yet. Maybe I'll do a separate article on this topic, but not now.


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