Hospitality in service

Hospitality is cordiality in the reception and entertainment of visitors (guests), gratuitous reception and entertainment of wanderers, go hospitality. To be hospitable means to be able to offer a warm welcome to visitors, to create a calm, favorable and friendly atmosphere for them.
The term "industry" comes from the Latin industria, which means "activity, diligence", in the modern sense - industrial production using technology and technology.
Hospitality, one of the fundamental concepts of human civilization, has now, under the influence of scientific and technological progress, turned into a powerful industry in which millions of professionals work, creating coziness and comfort for the benefit of people.
The hospitality industry combines various professional areas of people's activities: tourism, hotel and restaurant business, catering, recreation and entertainment, organization of conferences, seminars and exhibitions, sports, museum and exhibition, excursion activities, as well as the field of professional education in the field of hospitality.
The hospitality industry is a complex, complex area of professional activity of people whose efforts are aimed at meeting the diverse needs of customers (guests), both tourists and local residents.
In modern professional literature, the term “tourism and hospitality industry” is widely used, and although hospitality is included in this term as an integral element, it should be noted that hospitality is a more capacious and general concept, since its task is to satisfy the needs of not only tourists in narrow sense, but also consumers in general.
The tourism and hospitality industry cannot be considered as different industries, since tourists are primarily consumers who have a variety of needs, including specific ones, depending on the goals and motives of travel, as well as on a number of other points. However, tourists are, first of all, consumers in general, therefore, the tourism and hospitality industry is considered by us as a whole due to the inextricable commonality and, nevertheless, taking into account the specifics of the tourism sector, including structural and institutional.
The structure of the tourism and hospitality industry can be represented as follows.
It should be noted that the hospitality industry has historically formed and grown from the accommodation sector, represented by various types of hotel enterprises. In the classical sense, a hotel is a house with furnished rooms for visitors. In modern conditions, a hotel is an enterprise designed to provide hotel services to citizens, as well as individual tourists and organized groups.
A modern hotel enterprise provides consumers with not only accommodation and food services, but also a wide range of transport, communications, entertainment, excursion services, medical, sports services, beauty salon services, etc. In fact, hotel enterprises in the structure of the tourism and hospitality industry perform key functions, as they form and offer consumers a complex hotel product, in the formation and promotion of which all sectors and elements of the tourism and hospitality industry take part. Based on this, it is legitimate to single out the hotel industry or the hotel business as the largest integrated component of the tourism and hospitality industry and consider it independently, largely identifying it with a single tourism and hospitality industry.
The tourism and hospitality industry is an integral part of the vast service sector, which is one of the most important and dynamically developing sectors of the modern world economy.
In developed countries, the share of services in the gross domestic product reaches 70%. Foreign researchers, studying the place of the service sector in the development of the world economy, offer various economic models. However, most believe that human economic activity began with agriculture and then moved through industrialization towards a service economy.
The service economy, in turn, consists of the following groups:
business services (financial, credit and banking services);
trade services (retail and wholesale trade);
transport and communication services (transport, communications, communications);
social and personal services (health care, public catering);
public service (education, culture, social programs).
The tourism and hospitality industry we are considering covers different groups of organizations, forming a complex multi-component complex, where the hotel business plays the most important role, the wide and diverse nature of which makes it possible to combine all elements and sectors of the tourism and hospitality industry.
There is a growing interest in the development of the industry
and hospitality both at the international, national and regional levels, as tourism and hotel business are a catalyst for the development of all sectors of the economy.
Significantly positive socio-economic impacts of the hospitality industry at the national and regional levels:
- new jobs created through tourism and hospitality;
- multiplicative effect;
- contribution to state and regional revenues.
Sociocultural benefits:
- raising the standard of living of the population;
- preservation of the cultural population;
- assistance in the creation and support of museums, the preservation and financing of cultural and historical monuments;
- strengthening the sense of pride of the population for their culture and identity;
- providing opportunities for intercultural exchanges.
Thus, the tourism and hospitality industry is one of the most important parts of the vast service market, and is a fast-growing and highly profitable industry that can directly and indirectly influence the formation of conditions for sustainable socio-economic growth of the world and national economy.
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