Children from birth are engaged in fitness! Yes yes. In the first months of life, children begin to work on their muscular corset and learn to raise their heads, push off with their hands, training their backs, roll over, begin to kneel, then on their feet, in other words, they are engaged in strengthening and forming the muscular apparatus.
Physical development is directly related to mental development.
Motor activity, the sequence of movements necessary to achieve a certain task, is called motor skills. Fine and large motor skills develop the neural connections of the brain. Such a concept as "fine motor skills" is heard by every mother, but you need to pay attention not only to her.
- fine motor skills develop thinking, attentiveness and logic
- gross motor skills are responsible for more complex movements, as well as small, contributes to speech development, the correct formation of the vestibular apparatus, establishes interaction between the hemispheres of the brain, strengthens muscles, joints, develops flexibility and expands horizons
The child needs to be in motion, get acquainted with the objects around him, so he learns the world! Learning to control your body means learning to self-perception. This is all the more important for children living in megacities, because they already have little space for world knowledge - the influence of smartphones, game consoles and tablets affects and an unnecessary companion called hypodynamia appears.
Statistics that everyone should see
A few statistics: worldwide, more than 80% of children and adolescents do not reach the recommended level of physical activity, which is at least one hour a day. This study was conducted on the basis of data obtained after a survey of 1.6 million children aged 11 to 17 years living in different cities of the world.
In the questionnaires, children were offered criteria for general physical activity, school sports activities, running, active games with peers, walking and even helping parents in the household. Indisputable conclusions about the insufficiently mobile lifestyle of the World Health Organization (WHO) open the risks of chronic diseases, overweight in children, back pain, scoliosis, reducing the average age of diabetic patients and so on. Among Russian children, in 85-90% of cases, any posture disorders were detected. This is directly due to insufficient physical activity at the stage of active growth of the body.
What kind of sport should a child do?
Our inner world is arranged in such a way that mental development is directly related to the physical and depends on it. Therefore, from the first months of life, adults are faced with the task of helping our kids learn about the world and themselves through objects, touch, helping them actively grow and develop. There is a lot of energy in children, they need a society, they need a horizon and harmony, so over time playgrounds, nurseries, circles, sections come into use and fill everyday life ...
In the fascinating and tedious cycle of choosing "what sport to do for a child" everyone participates: from parents, grandparents to friends and neighbors:
- modern parents ask their children about their preferences and listen to their wishes
- conservative parents choose sports and clubs that they themselves attended in childhood
- trendy parents send their children to classes that have recently "come out" and are emblazoned on the headlines of magazines
- tired of worries, parents send their children to clubs at schools and kindergartens or to sports sections on the first floor of their high-rise building
Often it is not easy to decide, and the child is left without sports. Choosing the desired sections requires a significant investment of time, and it is difficult for many parents to choose something among the modern diversity. We have tried to systematize for you the approach to sports areas, based on the needs of the child in a certain age period, temperament and goals of the child for his health and well-being.
"Age" recommendations
At each year of a child's life, there are individual characteristics of physical development, and the sooner the parent instills a healthy habit in the child, the better.
The trend of early sports in children in recent years has begun to decline, who is sounding the alarm: at this rate, by 2025, more than 70% of children worldwide will face obesity. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia, over the past year, the obesity rate among primary school students has increased from 2% to 8%, and almost 20% of children of different age groups are overweight.
The involvement of the child in physical activities occurs through the game, which should be present daily in every child who has taken the first steps, and closer to the age of two, you can think about joint sports with parents.
2-3 years
The main task is to help the child learn to concentrate, it's time to develop fine and gross motor skills.
At this age, classes are held jointly with moms, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers. We recommend practicing 3 times for 10-15 minutes during the day. In addition, you need free games from 1 to 3 hours a day, preferably in the fresh air!
Conduct games and classes on hard surfaces, it perfectly develops the muscular corset and contributes to the proper growth of the bones of the child.
Main directions:
Games with ball and other objects of different sizes
Exercises of ORU andexercise therapyfor benefit and prevention
3-5 years
The main task is to strengthen motor skills, establish a daily routine, and discipline.
At this age, the doors of most sports clubs and sections are wide opened to children, it is already possible to choose which sport the child should do. Trainings are held without the participation of parents, but still with elements of the game. The duration of classes is from 1 hour per day, you can 2 times for 30 minutes.
The choice of directions is already quite wide.
Main directions:
- Children also swim from infancy. Very crumbs can swim under water immediately after birth. Diving and swimming are taught from 3 weeks, but closer to 4-5 years, children begin to learn independent swimming and adult techniques.
- Seasonal sports, for example, skiing is an excellent physical activity in the fresh air, which guarantees a sound sleep and the launch of protective processes that strengthen the child's body, especially important in the winter, when there is a lack of vitamins. Skates or snowboarding are also suitable. Training in such children takes place at minimum speeds and is not traumatic, but involves all muscles.
Bicycle, dance, choreography, football sections are of the nature of general physical training. They develop dexterity, flexibility, plasticity, reveal the creative potential of the child and open the way to self-realization. Closer to six years, the child needs to be helped to prepare for school, strengthen posture and tone of the muscles of the spine - in front of your beloved child is waiting for sitting at a desk lasting 11 years.
6-7 years
The main task is to strengthen the skills of coordination and flexibility, since it will be more difficult to develop these qualities with age.
The child needs stimulation of joint mobility, muscle elasticity. Leadership qualities are developed, the child is involved in the competitive process.
We recommend choosing complex cordination sports, such as gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, kayaking, figure cycling, martial arts sections, freestyle, diving, pole vaulting or trampoline, etc.
Recommendations : Avoid random selection to avoid loss of interest, decreased activity and, as a result, lack of efficiency. Rely on the steady interest already formed in the child earlier, and the definition of the main set of exercises necessary based on physical development, physique and functional indicators.
8-11 years
The main task is the development of endurance and strength.
Adding new subjects to the school curriculum and increasing the number of lessons require developing endurance, strength, accelerating metabolism, strengthening the children's skeleton.
Muscle and bone growth is in an active stage and requires appropriate attention to physical fitness.
The correct technique of performing exercises becomes the first priority, it is not the quantity that matters, but the quality.
Recommendations: we advise you to consistently conduct strength training 2-3 times a week. They should be aimed not at pumping muscles (this is impossible until puberty), but at the results in the long term, high-quality filling of tendons, ligaments. The elements of sports include sports equipment, dumbbells, gymnastic sticks, balls of various diameters.
12-14 years
The main peak of puberty, the restructuring of the hormonal background, the increase in physical development.
The main task at this stage of growing up is to maintain the body with the help of a special type of work with the muscles of the back, train the lungs and cardiovascular system, maintain the emotional background on the eve of puberty.
The vertical load is removed from the spine, at this age the child should facilitate the development of the shoulder apparatus and direct the exercise to stretching.
Recommendations: priority is given to swimming, classes on horizontal bars, pull-ups.
Teenagers preferteam sports: basketball, volleyball, handball, rugby, beach football, beach volleyball, synchronized swimming, hockey, curling, rowing, pair figure skating, pair dances, cricket, etc.
Full-fledged strength exercises with weights and the use of simulators can be introduced into the training only when growth stops, that is, at 18-20 years old, not earlier.
A couple more important details
In the endless stream of external and internal factors associated with the development and formation of the "little adult", in addition to physical development, it is extremely important to keep the child in a stable psycho-emotional resource. Children who have attended sports sections and circles since preschool age are much less likely to be negatively affected, easier to learn the school curriculum, get sick less, and develop their creative, leadership and mental abilities more effectively.
There are no exact standards in determining what kind of sport children can do, but a parent can find his child an activity that will involve him and interest him for many years.
Only you, like no one else, know the temperament of your child, his capabilities, inclinations and desires. Take a closer look, evaluate physical fitness, features of growth and development, hereditary habits, take into account the recommendations of the pediatrician and your financial capabilities, territorial location, schedule and combination with studies, form a goal and decide what kind of sport your child should do. The main thing is not to forget to listen to the opinion of the child himself, then he will definitely grow up healthy and happy!
If you want to connect life with professional sports, then SanPin has developed a minimum age for enrolling children in sports schools in all areas. In addition, Moskomsport has developed testing centers that allow you to see a predisposition to a particular species. But that's another story.
If the goal is not a sports career, but the harmonious development of the child, then follow the recommendations of our article.
Family fitness as the optimal solution
And what if you combine business with pleasure? In our world, the most precious thing is the time that remains so little for the family and for the usual joys. How great it is when children play sports in a fitness club where parents go. A huge plus when choosing a family fitness is a joint pastime, which helps to unite and unites in a strong team. You can find sports sections to the liking of both an adult and a child in a fitness club, where both joint and common training programs are specially developed, widely covering various aspects. Family fitness is a special philosophy of values that qualitatively affects the "weather in the house".
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