Scientific electronic resources


Scopusis the world's largest unified abstract and scientometric database (citation index), which indexes more than 18500 titles of scientific, technical and medical journals of approximately 5000 international publishers.
The daily updated Scopus database includes records up to the first volume, the first issue of journals of leading scientific publishers.
It provides unmatched support in the search for scientific publications and offers links to all published citations from the vast volume of available articles.


Questel Orbitunites about 100 databases intended for patent specialists, designers and a wide range of researchers.
Orbit Premium edition is a patent search database that brings together information on more than 122 million patent publications received from 111 local, regional and international patent offices, including RosPatent, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the European Patent Organization.

Orbit Intelligence Premium's unified patent database is grouped into three collections for user convenience:


The software is intended for both professional patent experts and a wide range of researchers.
The database includes not only registered patents, but also documents from the application stage to registration. Most documents contain annotations in English, the full texts of documents are given in the original language.

Orbit Intelligence Premium allows you to customize the interface, exchange information, save searches, download and export files and carry out in-depth analysis.

EBSCO research databases: – the analytical module of the Inspec database. Inspec Analyticsallows you to visualize search results, compare the results obtained at the level of institutions, authors, topics by the number of publications. New functionality enables users to gain new insights and identify trends and patterns that were previously unavailable.
Inspec Analytics is aimed at specialists engaged in the development of science and scientific management.


Access tothe Academic Reference (CD Edition) Electronic Publishing House is open – a database of full-text English-language resources for all academic disciplines published in China.

Academic Reference is a single search platform of the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) project for the publication of China's research papers and the most complete polythematic English-language database. It combines more than 1,400,000 full-text documents and bibliographic information - over 14 million abstracts. Includes: scientific journals, books, monographs, doctoral and master's dissertations, conference materials, yearbooks and dictionaries.

Access for member organizations of the CONSORTIUM "NEICON" (MIPT is part of the consortium) to the archives of scientific journals from the single platform "NEIKON" is open.
Advantages of the platform: all archives are collected in one place, convenient and functional search.
Archives of the following publishers are available on the platform:
 Annual Reviews;
 Cambridge University Press; 
 Oxford University Press; 
 SAGE Publications; 
 The Institute of Physics; 
 Royal Society of Chemistry; 


The American Association for the Advancement of Science – AAAS provides access to one of the most prestigious multidisciplinary journals Science.

American Chemical Society

List of journals:

Accounts of Chemical Research
Analytical Chemistry
Chemical Reviews
Environmental Science & Technology
Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of Chemical Education
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Nano Letters
Organic Letters
The Journal of Organic Chemistry
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
The main topics: chemistry (wide profile), applied chemistry and chemical technology, biochemistry, molecular chemistry, organic chemistry, physical, inorganic and analytical chemistry and nanotechnology, as well as biotechnology, crystallography, materials science, etc.
Remote access: you need to go to the platform from a working computer (from MIPT) and get yourself a profile.

American Institute
of Physics

AIP journals are one of the largest publishers of scientific information on physics and related specialties.
Applied Physics Letters (APL), 1962-2020
Applied Physics Reviews (APR), 1980-2020

Chaos, 1991-2020
Journal of Applied Physics (JAP), 1931-2020
Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP), 1933-2020
Journal of Mathematical Physics (JMP), 1960-2020
Physics of Fluids (POF), 1958-2020
Physics of Plasmas (POP), 1959-2020
Review of Scientific Instruments (RSI), 1930-2020
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 1972-2020
Low Temperature Physics (LTP), 1997-2020
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JRSE), 2009-2020
Biomicrofluidics (BMF), 2007-2020
Conference Proceedings (CP), 1970-2020
Physics Today (PT), 1948-2020
Journal of Laser Applications (JLA), 1998-2020
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics (CJCP), 2006-2020

Annual Reviews.
Annual Reviews is an American publisher of books and magazines founded in 1932. It is a non-profit academic publishing house, printing about 40 series (journals, yearbooks), publishing large review articles on achievements in the field of natural and social sciences.
More than half of these journals have the highest level of citation for the Science Citation Index, ranking first in their categories of sciences.

ANNUAL REVIEWS ELECTRONIC BACK VOLUME COLLECTION JOURNALS:Anthropology (1972),Astronomy and Astrophysics (1963), Biochemistry (1932), Biomedical Engineering (1999), Biophysics (1972), Cell and Developmental Biology (1985), Clinical Psychology (2005), Computer Science (1986-1990), Earth and Planetary Sciences (1973), Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics (1970), Entomology (1956), Environment and Resources (1976), Fluid Mechanics (1969), Genetics (1967), Genomics and Human Genetics (2000), Materials Research (1971), Medicine (1950), Microbiology (1947), Neuroscience (1978), Nuclear and Particle Science (1952), Nutrition (1981), Pharmacology and Toxicology (1961), Physical Chemistry (1950), Physiology (1939), Phytopathology (1963), Plant Biology (1950), Political Science (1998), Psychology (1950), Public Health (1980), Sociology (1975).

Remote access: you need to go to the platform from your work computer (from MIPT) and create a profile.

Bentham Science is a full-text collection of scientific, technical and medical journals covering areas ranging from chemistry and chemical engineering, engineering, pharmaceutical research and development, medicine to social sciences.

Access depth:
2000 - 2022 (2022 indefinite)

1.Cambridgeuniversity press (CUP) magazine collection.
Main topics: biology and biomedical sciences; physiology; psychology and psychiatry; computer engineering; Earth Sciences, Ecology; mathematics; physics; technical sciences; agriculture; The depth of access for all journals is different.2. Cambridge Journals Digital Archive (CJDA) Complete Collection 2011 

Access to the archives of CUP journals was opened within the framework of the national agreement with the CONSORTIUM "NEICON".

CJDA is a leading collection of journal archives, containing more than 200 archives and more than 4.3 million pages of peer-reviewed articles.

Main topics: Biology and biomedical sciences; physiology; psychology and psychiatry; computer engineering; Earth Sciences, Ecology; mathematics; physics; technical sciences; agriculture; economics; history; philosophy; political science; jurisprudence; linguistics; sociology; religion; cultural studies; music; theatre; archaeology and anthropology; regional studies, etc.

 The CSD-Enterprise database is an electronic resource of the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC).
Within the framework of the national subscription, services are available:
1) WebCSD: online portals WebCSD and Relibase + (database of crystal structures of macromolecules) with the possibilities of comparative analysis, recording and storage of individual parts.
2) CSD-System: Cambridge Structural Database, as well as services:
- ConQuest (search for structural data in CSD, allowing the storage of database records)
- IsoStar (library of parameters of intermolecular interactions)
- Mercury (programs for visualization and analysis of structural data)
- Mogul (programs for validating the geometry of molecular structures).
3) CSD-Enterprise:
- DASH (X-ray powder diffraction data analysis program)
- GOLD (molecular docking program)
- SuperStar (program for predicting the active centers of macromolecules)
- CrossMiner (interactive tool for searching for pharmacophoric features in the CSD database and Protein Bank Database).The Cambridge Structural Database is available in two versions:

stationary software (1 034 174 records on the crystal structure of 1 016 168 organic and organometallic compounds as of 01.01.2020, updated three times a year)

online version (supplemented daily, additionally contains 180,000 records on the structure of inorganic compounds and minerals).
You can download the CSD-Enterprise software package at:

EDP Sciences journals

are a full-text collection of selected scientific journals published by EDP Sciences, which was founded in 1920 by French scientific communities, including The Société Française de Physique and several eminent scientists Marie Curie, Paul Langevin, Louis de Broglie, Louis Lumière, Jean Perrin and Antoine Beclair.

1. European Physical Journal - Applied Physics, ISSN 1286-0050
2. International Journal of Limnology, ISSN 2823-1465
3. Metallurgical Research & Technology, ISSN 2271-3654
4. Radioprotection, ISSN 1769-700X
5. Control, Optimisation & Calculus of Variations, ISSN 1262-3377
6. Mathematical Modelling & Numerical Analysis, ISSN 2804-7214
7. Probability & Statistics, ISSN 1262-3318
8. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, ISSN 1760-6101
9. RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications, ISSN 2804-7346
10. RAIRO Operations Research, ISSN 2804-7303
11. Le Journal de Physique archive ISSN 2777-3396

Access from the MIPT network


Collection of journals "Freedom collection" - a comprehensive coverage of literature from all fields of science.
Access depth: from January 1, 2011 Instructions
forself-activationof remote access.
Remote access: for all questions, contact the library.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

The IEEE Electronic Library contains journals, conference proceedings, and IEEE standards.
The library contains one third of the world's current publications in the field of electrical engineering, communications and informatics.

MathSciNet is a database of reviews, abstracts and carefully selected bibliographic information in all areas of mathematics, applied mathematics and statistics. Contains nearly 3 million entries and over 1.7 million direct links to original articles, as well as abstracts of articles published from the early 19th century to the present.
Access to the resource:
from the Ebscohost platformhttps:/ 
fromthe website

Oxford University Press

OUP journals - more than 300 authoritative journals of a wide thematic spectrum.
Main topics: medicine, mathematics and physical sciences, humanities, social sciences, life sciences, jurisprudence.
Access to the archives of scientific journals of the publishing house Oxford University Press is open.The
depth of the archive is from 1 issue to 1995 inclusive.

Sage Publications

Sage journals- more than 100 journals are available in full-text mode in the fields of natural sciences, technology and medicine.
Depth of access: from January 1, 1800 (or from 1879) to the present.
The publishing house is known for its journals on medicine, materials science, technology, life sciences and social sciences and humanities. Within the framework of the license, access to the SAGE Premier Database is open.

Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

SPIE Digital Library contains more than 260,000 articles (more than 17,000 new articles and conference materials annually) in the field of optics and photonics, as well as related disciplines.
Depth of access: each journal has its own to the present time.
Remote access: you need to go to the platform from your work computer (from MIPT) and create a profile.

Springer Link: magazines (since 1832), books (since 2005), book series (2005-2010).
About 200 magazines and 250 books are publicly available on theSpringerOpen platform.
The publishing house also provides access to information resources:
Dbd ZentralBlatt Matematik (is the most complete in depth (since 1931) and in the coverage of world literature database in the field of mathematics and applied mathematics);
Springer Protocolsin releases up to and including 2014;
SpringerMaterials, completely.
Remote access: you need to go to the platform from your work computer (from MIPT) and create a profile.

Taylor & Francis journals - more than 2000 journals in all fields of knowledge.
The journals are divided into collections in the field of STM sciences (Science, Technology & Medicine) and HSS (Humanities & Social Sciences), as well as by narrower, specific areas of knowledge.
Remote access: you need to go to the platform from your work computer (from MIPT) and create a profile.

RSC journals is a collection of journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK).
Main topics: organic, analytical, physical chemistry; biochemistry; electrochemistry;
The subscription includes access to the archives of journals published by the society, from 1841 to 2007.

Wiley online library is the largest library of electronic resources in various fields.
Wiley's journal fund includes more than 4 million articles from 1500 journals, covering the entire spectrum of natural and life sciences, social sciences and humanities, including many advanced research in its fields.
Remote access: you need to go to the platform from your work computer (from MIPT) and create a profile.
Instructionsfor remote access from corporate mail.
Interactive infographicswill help to reduce the amount of unnecessary information and find reliable, relevant content as quickly as possible.

The Cochrane Library
is a non-profit organization, a network of researchers and specialists in the field of medicine and health care from more than 130 countries who publish their work in The Cochrane Library.

The Cochrane Library includes several databases:
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) contains peer-reviewed systematic reviews and protocols for Cochrane health reviews, as well as editorials. The CDSR is regularly updated, cochrane reviews are published "as they become available" and form monthly issues.
The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) is a bibliographic database of randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials used in the preparation of Cochrane systematic reviews.

Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs) provide concise, evidence-based and cochrane reviews of answers to clinical questions: patient, intervention, comparison, outcome. Each entry contains a clinical question, a short answer and the opportunity to delve into data from relevant Cochrane reviews. The evidence is displayed in a user-friendly format.

Access depth: 1996 - 2022.Access
from the MIPT

network Remote access:
1. You need to go to the platform from a working computer (from MIPT) and get yourself a profile.
2. You can log in by login/password from the personal account Wiley online library.

World Scientific Complete eJournal Collection is a multidisciplinary full-text collection of journals of the international scientific publishing house World Scientific Publishing, which covers such topics as mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, life sciences, medicine and social sciences. Particular attention in the collection is paid to the research of the Asia-Pacific region, which are combined into a group of journals Asian Studies.

Access depth:
2001 - 2022 (2022 indefinite)
Access from MIPT

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