The Incredible Story of Board Games


The oldest "tabletops" appeared more than five thousand years ago and passed an interesting path of development, which, experts are sure, has not yet ended.


What the Ancients Played

The first board games appeared in India, China and Mesopotamia. Players who gathered at the table simply threw dice, pebbles with drawings or some semblance of cubes on a hard surface, and the winner was the one who scored the most points. Some games have not survived to this day, although they are repeatedly mentioned in historical sources.

For example, ancient Egyptiansenet, reminiscent of modern checkers. Sets for him were found and are found in the tombs of the pharaohs, apparently, they were left there so that the deceased would not be so bored in the realm of the dead. Here's the thing. Backgammon, invented in the Middle East, are still alive today. In ancient China, there were unique variations on a theme like lyubo - a cross between gambling and divination. And the prototype of the modern domino appeared in India at the end of the 1st millennium, and from there, apparently, chess originates.


Indian Gamechapuris mentioned in the ancient epic "Mahabharata", and the finale of the game there affects the fate of states and their rulers. According to legend, one of the Indian emperors loved this entertainment so much that he laid out a huge playing field of red and white marble in front of his palace. Beautiful concubines from the harem moved through the cages, they were the living "figures".

As for dominos, although colored plates with dots appeared in the East, in Asia, however, the modern form of the game acquired in Europe, and received its name in honor of the Dominican monks (they, by the way, wore white cloaks with black hoods). They were forbidden to play cards, but dominoes in Catholic monasteries were allowed.

Board games spread rapidly across Asia, in each country acquiring specific features and a variety of options. On the basis of knuckles alone in China, at least fifty of the most diverse games were invented.


The indigenous peoples of the Americas were not far behind. The Incas and Mayans also loved dice, but, in addition, invented numerous strategy games, mainly on the theme of hunting, sometimes war. The plots of their games are impressive – for example, on a small piece of land, a real battle was played out between two sides on the back of a giant serpent.

They did not shy away from games with knuckles in Europe, but there is very little information about them. Researchers got to the bottom of the original Scandinavian game calledhneftafl- This is the same "checkers" family, only the arrangements on the square field were not symmetrical, which made the game more intricate. From Iceland, Greenland and England, thanks to the Vikings, this entertainment fell even into Kievan Rus and appears in the chronicles under the name "tavlei".

Medieval "tabletops"

As time went on, games became more difficult. The monochromatic chessboard became black and white, the moves of the opponents changed, new pieces appeared. By the way, the rules of classical chess from the XII century practically did not change, and checkers were established around the same time.

A new turn occurs in the XIII-XIV centuries - from Egypt to Europe get playing cards. The variety of decks then struck the imagination, but, interestingly, spiritual leaders immediately disliked the cards and tried to ban them. As, indeed, and other board games. Only checkers were not subject to sanctions - for some reason everyone considered them harmless. As for card heroes – ladies, jacks, kings – at one time they were portrayed as famous historical characters like Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great. The games themselves existed at least fifty.

Later, in the XVIII-XIX centuries, cardboard games came into vogue. This is not about classic maps, but about the situation depicted on the field, whether it is the crossing of difficult terrain or, say, the siege of a fortress by cardboard soldiers. So gradually formed lotto, gusek, as well as real thematic works of game art like "Storming of Ishmael" or "Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow". Such entertainment was popular with both gentlemen and ladies, chips, fields and beautiful cards were printed in printing houses, at one time it was generally believed that such an interpretation of famous battles contributes to the patriotic education of young people.

Of the fundamentally new games that appeared in the XIX century, you can recall and Reversi, which originated in the UK, enjoyed success for a couple of decades, then turned out to be forgotten and experienced a new round of popularity already in the twentieth century (and continues to be in demand now).

At the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, mahjong gained widespread popularity, invented not only by officers of the Chinese army, not by some nobleman from the vicinity of Shanghai. At first, the game was known only in the suburbs of Beijing, but by 1920 it had gained wild popularity and became almost a national symbol of Chinese culture, and not only in China itself, but also, of course, in Europe and America.


The boom of the XX century

In the twentieth century, the hobby for board games became rampant, and they themselves turned into a separate direction with a rich design, carefully thought-out legend and an atmosphere that can capture the attention of all those present.


In 1934, during the Great Depression, an unemployed man named Charles Darrow of Pennsylvania came up with the project for the famous Monopoly. Publishers rejected his application, but Darrow did not give up and released the game on his own, producing about 5,000 copies. The demand turned out to be incredible - next year Monopoly became the best-selling game in America, and today it entertains a good half a billion inhabitants of the Earth, including at commercial competitions with impressive prize pools.

Scrabble is another game that owes its appearance to the Great Depression. It was invented in 1938 by unemployed architect Alfred Mosher Butts.

Then more and more commercial games poured into the world market as if from a cornucopia: "Dungeons and Dragons", "Mascot"(this game was the first to be decorated in the style of fantasy),Magic: The Gathering. "Colonizers" by Klaus Teuber was released in 1995 and became the first in a series of games in the German style (see sidebar below), and "Power Grid", which was released in 2004, became both an economic strategy and a game to occupy the territory at the same time. A real boom of "tabletops" began - with the creation of fan clubs for interests and the replication of collectible cards, which cost fabulous money. Most of these games appeared abroad, but, for example, the legendary "Mafia" was invented in 1986 by students of Moscow State University, and only then it won, if not the whole world, then a fair part of it.

There were also insane options, such as The Campaign for North Africa (1979), which seems to be the most sophisticated strategy ever created. In it, two teams of five players fight each other for at least one and a half thousand hours with the help of 1800 figures!


The main trend of the late twentieth century is the formation of a wide class of so-called board games of the German style. Sometimes, for the sake of brevity, they are called German or European games, because the beginning of this direction was laid in Germany. The rules in German-style games are relatively simple, the games do not last very long, so most of the family games belong to this class.

Their main specificity is high quality of workmanship, carefully thought-out colorful design, bizarre design, intricate plot. German games are drawn by professional artists and designers and often bring the latter world fame. The main information on the field and cards is transmitted by simple figurative symbols like pictograms - so it is easier to distribute games. Usually, for localization, you just need to translate the rules, and the design of the chips remains unchanged.

For every taste

Board games do not have any generally accepted classification. They can be grouped according to a variety of characteristics. For example, according to the required inventory: maps, dice, miniature objects, a lined field, a pencil and paper (as in the case of "Sea Battle"), a full set of cards and chips ... Or nothing at all, because there is a huge number of conversational games, also conditionally classified as board games.

An important point is the number of players. The same solitaire is for one, and the collection of puzzles can be attributed to board games. There are games with a fixed number of participants, and some can be played by everyone. It is clear that there are individual games, where everyone is for himself, and team games, where the result depends on the cooperation of the participants, their ability to work together and agree.

By nature, table games are divided into intellectual and gambling. The first are logical, strategic, for success you need to carefully consider the course, having previously analyzed the situation. In the case of the latter, much is determined by chance, although often on the skill of the player, for example, on the speed of his reaction.


Perhaps the most interesting classification of modern games is by content into abstract and imitative. The latter, in turn, are divided into economic competitive, managerial) and military (strategic, tactical).


What is being played today

Checkers, backgammon and dominoes are imperishable classics, everyone knows the rules of these games. And here are a few more games that have conquered the whole world and are a huge success with professionals and amateurs.

Participants create a unique playing field with the help of squares that depict cities and monasteries, roads and fields. The protagonists are knights, monks, robbers and peasants.

The task is to get as many points as possible and thus expand the influence, that is, the game is strategic and will be interesting to children from 8-9 years old, while its rules are not very complicated. Carcassonne has received many prestigious awards, it has a lot of alternative versions and additions.


This game has been and remains one of the most popular in the world. It's easy to learn, even if you're a beginner. Today, the classic version and numerous additions and expansions are available, but the essence is the same: players are reincarnated as brave colonizers, a huge island appears in front of them, and they have to develop the territory, extract raw materials, build roads and cities, establish trade and fend off robbers, creating a strong and independent state.

"A Godsend for a Spy"

A great game for a party if a large company is gathered. Participants have the opportunity to plunge into the romance of James Bond films... and maybe about Stirlitz or other cult heroes. In this board game, you can visit both the skin of a spy and the place of a special agent who is trying to expose him. "Find for a Spy" is somewhat reminiscent of the classic "Mafia", only here you do not need to choose a special player for the role of the leader - everyone is busy in the adventure. The game takes place in the form of a conversation. One of the participants is a spy, but does not know where he is. Everyone else knows the location, but the identity of the spy is a mystery to them, and they try to calculate him by asking each other questions!


An exciting game for family gatherings or friendly parties, and it will appeal to both children and adults. Each participant pulls letters and categories from the deck of cards, and then must show miracles of reaction and speed in order to be the first to remember the word corresponding to the task. Here you do not even need to be the most erudite - you just need to think quickly, and then you will remember the maximum of professions for the letter C in a minute or be the first to name the longest name for the letter I, as well as the shortest name of the drink, starting with P.


This game appeared in 2000 and became a real hit, published in 25 languages. Its participants compete for the right to be called the main builders of the kingdom. To do this, you need to surprise the medieval monarch, as well as enlist the support of nobles and the rich. At the beginning of each round, an assistant character is secretly chosen - it can be either a tax collector or a spy who exposes rivals. "Citadels" has a lot of additions and expansions with new locations, cards and characters.

The Arkham Horror

The game is for those who want to tickle the nerves a little. Even Lovecraft wrote that fear is the oldest and strongest of human feelings, and the oldest and most powerful fear is the fear of the unknown. It is on the basis of the myths of this writer that the "Arkham Horror" was created. The game takes place in the sleepy American town of Arkham, where a group of brave detectives is trying to unravel and eliminate another sinister threat hanging over the locals.

Explorers move around the city, fight monsters, collect evidence, escape from the forces of evil, periodically penetrate into otherworldly worlds, the gates to which are opened every now and then during the game. The outcome can be very unexpected, up to the sudden victory of monsters over detectives.

"Berserk. Heroes»

Continuation of the classic "Berserk", which was invented in Russia. A strategy card game is a battle of two heroes, each of whom leads an army. Participants "hire" a variety of fantastic creatures into combat squads, use magical weapons and spells, and also play event cards to gain supremacy on the battlefield. The beauty of the game is also in the fact that in it not always good fights evil. For example, in the dueling set "Hian and Pierce" a ruthless necromancer warrior and an insidious robber collide.


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