20 most popular jobs


Over time, interest in some services is falling, and for others, consumer demand is increasing. Consider the most popular and profitable services that will be popular in 2023. 

Rating of niches in the service sector

According to experts and according to sociological surveys, the populationmost oftenseeks the helpof specialists in such areas of service:

  1. Medicine. All people of any age needprofessional treatment, so medical institutions, laboratories for the study of analyzes, dental offices, the help of psychologists and aesthetic medicine, remain always in the first place inpopularityamong the population.
  2. Household sphere. The fast pace of life of a modern person does not leave time to solve everyday household problems. Therefore, such offers as minor repairsof household appliances, cleaning services, sewing or renting festive clothes and masquerade costumes, car washing and much more that people may need in everyday life are an actual businessfor all times.
  3. Transportation. This business niche includes passenger transportation services, cargo delivery, delivery of goods. The presence ofyour own vehicle, car or truck, allows the owner to provide services to both the population and companies.
  4. Finance. The literacy of citizens in monetary matters leaves much to be desired. Consulting and mediation services in the field of financeare always in demand. Accounting support and preparation of tax reports by third-party specialists is a service thatboth large companies and small entrepreneurs resort to.
  5. Jurisprudence. Evaluation of real estate and potentials of the company, notarial and advocacy activities, legal advice, representation in courts and other state instances - this is not a complete list ofbusiness ideasin this niche.
  6. Other. Separate areas of service that are worthpaying attention to. Stable income is brought by the organization of holidays, hairdressers, aesthetic services, individual tailoring and repair of clothes. Everything related to funeral services (the manufacture of attributes, the conduct of mourning ceremonies, the organization of burial places)will never lose relevance.

Asthe review ofthe services market shows, the profitability oftheseniches is steadily growing, and interest from the populationis increasing.

The most popular services in general

Regardless of the region of residence, people invariablyuse theservices of professionals, both occasionally and on an ongoing basis.

Therefore, in order tosuccessfully organizeyour business and stay afloat, it is necessaryto study the full range of services that are in high demand and will not lose relevance in the next decade.

Household repairs

A wide niche forprivate entrepreneurship.

  1. This includes services for the repair of premises, design work, landscape arrangement.
  2. The services of electricians, plumbers, carpenters, welders are in high demand.
  3. Small companies with service "Husband for an hour" provide assistance in repairing home electrical equipment, disassembling and assembling cabinet furniture, repairing plumbing, installing curtains, partially replacing communications.

Investmentswill be required for the purchase of power tools (grinders, drills, screwdrivers), consumables. With a stable flow of customers, the costs will pay off after10-15 orders.

Real Estate Services

The secondary housing market is activelydeveloping. To sell or buy a home, many resort to the professional help of realtors.

Agencies or private specialists in this field receive for their servicesfrom 5 to 10% of the transaction value. Given that real estate pricesare growing, the organizationof one or twotransactions will allow you to reach a stable monthly income.

The specificity of real estate activities is associated with an independent search for clients, so communication abilities should be above average.

Accounting services
Servicing several companies for maintenance, reportingon taxes and turnover, payroll to employees is a popular servicein all regions of the country. The maintenance of the staff unit of the accountant, today, many consider, inexpedient andeconomically unprofitable.

It is convenient for enterprises and individual entrepreneurs to usethe outsourcing servicesof professional accountants sporadically, during theperiodsof submission of reports, payment of salaries.

Ina comprehensive service, you can include, for a fee, the conduct of personnel records management - the registration of employment contracts, the maintenance of the staffing table, the formation of a book of internal orders.

This businessdoes not requirespecial investments - everything is based on the qualifications of the accountant. A computer and a stable Internet are all you need to get started. The cost of the services of a certified accountant for one-time services is from 100 dollars. The break-even point is alreadyin the third monthwith constant orders.

Beauty and hairdressing services with home visits

This isa sought-after businessin the cities. The mobility of the mastersensures the flow of regular customers. The profitability ofsuch a business is high: there is no need to rent a room, all services are provided on the client's territory.

It is not necessary to lay large funds for advertising - positive feedbackon the work of the master is distributed among the target audience through "word of mouth" and recommendations. Posts in social networks, profiles of the master - free business promotion and expansion of the customer base.

Repair of mobile devices and computer equipment

As the number of mobile gadgets is growing, sois the demandfor repair services. The investmentrequires a minimal, small set of tools and the experience of the wizard.

Replacement of faulty spare parts can becomethe main direction, and the sale of relatedaccessories, cases, headphones, jewelry, chargers and batteries, laptop bags - an additional income.

The minimum list of necessary equipment on which you will have to spend:

programmer forchanging software, firmware and unlocking phones;
electron microscope, digital oscilloscope;
measuring instruments – testers, multimeters;
universal power supply;
ultrasonic bath;
anti-static brush and bracelet;
vacuum tweezers;
soldering station, screwdrivers and other hand tools;
microcircuit stencils.
The cost of master services is from 5 dollars and above. The payback of the project is on average from3-4 months.

Knowledge of languages is baggage that can bemonetizedat any time. With the expansion of business processes, many entrepreneurs enter theinternational market, attracting customers from other countries.

Often companies cooperate with foreign firms not only in direct business, but also in related areas. In these cases, a specialist is neededto translateinstructions, contracts, content and information support. Also, translator services are widely in demand for translating videos from popular hostings.

The cost of translation servicesdepends on the volume of textand the qualifications of the specialist.

Rental of household appliances and construction equipment
For those who can not buy household appliances, or do not see the need to spend money on the purchase of construction equipment - screwdrivers, grinders, etc.,rentalof popular units is organized. It can be refrigerators, heating devices, TVs.

Asan additional type of income, you can consider the maintenance of household appliances, climate systems, service support and maintenance of heating and refrigeration equipment. This is a business niche in which there is an acuteshortage of specialists. Many companies that specialize in the sale of equipment, and firms for repair and maintenance, are much smaller.

Car service and car wash
The amount of privatelyowned transport is increasingfrom year to year. Car maintenance, repair and body work, car wash services - this business idea issuitable for both large cities and small settlements.

Performance of complex tire fitting and body worksincreasesthe customer base. With100% workload, the profitability of the project is at least24% per month. Taking into account the investments made for the rental and purchase of equipment, the full payback of the business is in 11 months.

HR activities are becoming a popular service amongsmall and medium-sized businesses. The management of small companies does not have the opportunityto maintain a recruitment service that would conduct a search, selection of candidates for vacant places, organized adaptation of new employees.

Checking the resume of applicants, finding out the degree of proficiency in professional skills, monitoring the previous labor activity of the candidate are comprehensive servicesof a recruitment agency that are often ordered when opening anew businessor expanding the scope of the project.

The most popular services

Taxi services and delivery of goods, cargo
Transportation of passengers on the settlement and intercity routes is the best-sellingservices in the capital. Long distances within the city contribute to the fact that people are forced to use third-party transport.

If you have a van, you can organizeassistance with moving, delivery of goods from wholesale markets to retail outlets.

Catering services
Opening a restaurant or catering outlet is a profitable business. Small cafes near higher and secondary educational institutions will providea regular clientele.

In addition to the restaurant business, the organization ofcatering in the workplace is in demand. Cooking business lunches and delivering them to institutions and business centers is a service that is gaining popularity.

Sale and installation of software, service in the field of IT
System administration of enterprises is in high demand. Most of the business is moving into the field ofonline trading. Website development, the introductionof IT-technologies in the promotion ofthe company, become a relevant business that brings considerable income.

Personal Image Specialist
The developmentof an individual conceptaccording to the style of a private person or a corporate dress code is a business idea that is becoming popular among thepopulation and companies. The appearance of a person, from clothing to hair and makeup (in women), should correspond to the lifestyle, occupation and internal state.
The price of a one-time consultation with an image-maker can vary between 150-300 dollars.

Organization of holidays
A wide range of activities, which includes the organization of not only private celebrations, such as weddings, anniversaries. Services forcorporate parties, children's parties in kindergartens and schools, organizationof leisureand sports events during school holidays.

The original scenario of the holiday, competitions, quests, animators for adults and children, inviting stars of the schou-business - the cost of such servicesis not limitedand depends on the wishes of the customer and his financial capabilities.

As additional services, event agencies can offerthe shooting of celebrationsand festive events on photos and videos, followed by design and artistic processing of videos and albums.

The most popular beauty services
In addition to hairdressing services, manicure, MakeUp, the beauty industry is filled withnew technologies. Today, the leading positions are occupied by hardware procedures, multicosmetics, complex proposals.

Carbon peeling
Deep cleansing of the skin with the help of speciallaser devices combines two methods - photorejuvenation and laser cleansing.

Helps to cope with the signs of aging, tightens the oval of the face, makes the skin radiant. Owners of oily skin with the help of carbon peeling can get rid of acne, acne scars, age spotsand freckles.

The therapeutic effect is exerted by the use of special carbonaceousnanogels, which help to exfoliate the keratinized surface layer of the dermis. Cleansed skin is more susceptible to care cosmetics.

Mesotherapy, which is carried out by a non-invasive (without injection) method. The effectiveness and safety of this method of rejuvenation make it more popular.

The device ensures the penetration of activating substances into the inner layers of the epidermis due tothe effect of an electric current ofa certain frequency. In the skin, under the influence of electromagnetic pulses, micropores open, wherevitamins, water and other substances that the dermis needs penetrate.

Innovative approach to facial skin care.

The methodconsists in the simultaneous application ofvarious cosmetic care products to individual fates. Suitable for those whose facial skin has a combined type.

To get rid of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, tighten the oval of the face, achieve a lifting effect, remove excess oiliness on the nose -for everything, separate cosmeticsare used. Multi-masking saves the client's time - the alternate use of masks can take hours, and the simultaneous application of funds can reduce the care procedureto 20-30 minutes.

Eyebrow microblading
A breakthrough in the modern beauty industry. The fashion for the shape andsaturation of eyebrowshas recently reached a leading position inMakeUp. Manual tattooing, which is made by the master manually, allows you to achievea naturalappearance of the eyebrows, a neat fashionable shape.

There are several techniques for applying tattooing - hair, oriental, powder, shadow, 5 and 6Deffect. Microblading is kept on the skin under the eyebrowsfrom 7 to 18 months, after which it requires adjustment.

Comprehensive hair care
A special place in the beauty industry is occupied by hair care. Complex proceduresto restore the structure of the hair are a popular direction in the field of beauty. A wide range of services that a specialist can offer can be aimed at rejuvenating, treating and giving beauty to the hair of clients - straightening, increasing the volume,etc.

The most popular services:

Glossing is molecular and superficial.
Shielding - unlike lamination, allows you to comprehensively deal with several problems, has a therapeutic effect on the scalp.
Keratin care - relieves dryness and brittleness of hair.
Nanoemulsions are vitamin-mineral agents that provide complex care and therapy with a number of problems of hair and scalp.
Injection procedures in complex hair care involve the introduction of activemedicinal substances into the scalp.

In the arsenal of the master should be suchpopular procedures:

myostimulation – exposure to electromagnetic pulses;
ionophoroesis - with the help of galvanic current, drugs are introduced into the scalp;
mesotherapy - the effect of drugs on the mesoderm;
plasmolifting – regeneration of scalp and hair follicle tissues using the client's own blood products;
ozone therapy is the introduction of an oxygen cocktail into the scalp with the aim of stimulating regenerative processes.
Sessions of hair healing withthe help of injectionscan strengthen the hair follicles, moisturize, nourish, strengthen and protect the hair.

The cost of each of the services in the field of beauty startsfrom 1500rubles and above. The cost of consumables, equipment and rental of the premises, with the full workload of the master, pay offin 5-6months.

What services will be popular in 2022
The main trends in the service delivery marketin 2022will remain unchanged.

People will also need medical, transport, legal, financial, consulting, household and other services.
Servicein the field of beauty and a healthy lifestyle will not lose relevance.
Services forpiloting drones, flight training and flyboard rental are gaining popularity.
Promising areas in the service sector, which will be in demand in 2022, are associated with trainingprograms for children - studios of children's creativity, conducting master classes in cooking.
Veterinary servicesand hotels for animals remain relevant. Overexposure for our smaller brothers is in demand not only during the holiday season, but hotels for dogs, cats and other living creatures are necessary for owners during business trips, moves.

The introduction of the "garbage reform" brings the collection and disposal of household waste to the sector of profitable business niches.

Beforeyou open your own business, you needto monitor what services people in your region most often use, calculate the competition and assess the risks.

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