Jewelry nationality

The word ethnica itself comes from the Greek word ethnos, which means people. In the fashion industry, the word ethnicity is used to denote elements of national, folk traditions of different countries. Today, jewelry in the national style does not give up its positions, and even vice versa: they are becoming more and more popular. Of course, old traditions do not come into our modern life unchanged. Jewelers rethink the ethnic style and supplement it. modern solutions.
Ethnic style: closer to the origins
In the most general sense, ethnic style (or, in short, ethnic style) is the specificity of the style and design of clothes and accessories, which is characteristic of a particular people. If you are looking for how to dilute your wardrobe with the help of a particular national color, then you are interested in ethnics.
Despite the fact that each ethnic nation has its own, researchers find three common features.
Natural materials. Perhaps this is the most important thing. All ethnic jewelry is made of natural materials, whether it's wood or fabric, silver or ivory.
Symbolism. Initially, jewelry served as symbols, magical amulets. In order for this function to "work", they were decorated with special patterns and ornaments, special colors and materials were selected. This also includes the moment of tabooing certain jewelry: for example, a widow or a girl did not have the right to wear the jewelry of a married woman, and it did not occur to the warrior to decorate himself with the jewels of the leader of the tribe.
Compliance of the decoration with the status of a person. The material, the shape, the quantity, the quality of the jewelry processing clearly indicated the status of a person. First of all, of course, the status is financial and social. So, even among our ancestors of the Slavs, wedding rings could be made of wood, copper or silver. Do you feel the difference?
Interestingly, ancient people did not look at each other at all as we do now. For example, jewelry was originally a male privilege. After all, they were used as an amulet, and it is more important for male miners to be protected, you see. In addition, when the jeweler began to "pamper" and the fair sex, men began to be evaluated by their wives. Moreover, appearance, housekeeping, motherhood and similar "stupidities" interested our ancestors much less than the number of jewelry on a beautiful lady.
Ethnics today
Nowadays, ethnic jewelry is at the peak of popularity. However, this "peak" began in the days of hippies. "Children of flowers" wore bright free-cut clothes made of natural materials, large unusual jewelry, promoted proximity to nature and naturalness. Of course, the origins of civilization, to which hippies were called, are impossible without the return of fashion for African, Greek, Egyptian, Indian jewelry.
Today, designers still love ethnic motifs in clothing and jewelry. This gives them more opportunities to express themselves. In fact, ancient traditions for them are only a starting point. Then the flight of fancy begins.
There is an opinion that the best time for ethnic decorations is summer. Of course, flying sundresses, sun rays, sea air seem to be the perfect company for large colored beads, long complex earrings or wide bracelets. But let's be honest: the best time for ethnic decorations is always. After all, it is not necessary to decorate yourself like Cleopatra or an Indian woman in a pre-divorce state. The love of ethnicity is easily satisfied with the help of small and not necessarily expensive details. So you can feel closer to nature, and the colors of the world will play brighter, leaving in the past the grayness and despondency of the big city.
Jewelry geography: what jewelry is worn in different countries of the world
The history of ethnic jewelry is amazing and truly fascinating. Traditionally, there are the most "developed" countries whose inhabitants have been accustomed since ancient times to decorate themselves in accordance with their national preferences. Usually, among these most "ethnically decorated" states are Egypt and Greece, Africa and Japan, India and Tibet, Slavic countries and Indians of America. But, if you start to look closely at this topic, Then we can talk about the originality of Armenian and Turkish, Balinese and Tibetan, Mongolian and Chinese jewelry. That is why, in our opinion, it is most fair to talk not about the "top" of the most decorating countries, but about the jewelry geography that is important for almost every world state.
It is believed that African jewelry was the first to appear on Earth, and it was more than 75 thousand years ago. Amazing, right? Or not so much: given that, according to the latest data of scientists, it was from Africa that the first people came out, it was from there that all of humanity went. It is logical that they began to decorate themselves first there. At first, of course, these were primitive products: the already mentioned jewelry of 75,000 years ago are beads made of shells. Further, our ancestors used plant seeds, pebbles, shells, bones and teeth of animals and birds as a material for decorations.
The desire to decorate themselves was so strong that people used any improvised means. Here's what, please tell me, can be found in the hot Sahara? But ancient people learned to make jewelry even from animal skins. Nigerians made beads from clay, and for beauty "encrusted" them with glasses. So the African traditions of making jewelry are without a doubt the most ancient and developed.
Today, African ethnics are large ornaments of a voluminous shape of a peculiar color. So, designers say that the African style is characterized by "diluted" colors. What do you mean by that? The base is muted, neutral beige shades. But for brightness, add other colors:
rich red;
As materials for African ethnics, only natural substances are used: wood and bone, as well as metal. In addition, on African jewelry you can often find fangs, bones, skulls, feathers of animals or birds.
African necklaces look especially impressive. Visually, they are about the same, but the scope for "additional" imagination is truly limitless. Beads of different colors and sizes are attached to wide plates. There are so many of these beads that they literally hang in clusters. In addition to balls, the necklaces of African women are decorated with the already named teeth and bones of animals, bird feathers, etc. Despite the "chaotic" description, in general, the decoration looks very attractive and harmonious.
It is interesting to note that African jewelry serves not only as jewelry. Sometimes they can be called... Clothes of African women, because in a hot climate it is simply impossible to wear anything else.
If you've been to Indonesia, you've probably fallen in love with Balinese ethnics because it's impossible not to. Oriental jewelry in general is incredibly attractive, but Bali is a special country in this sense. Somehow, the Balinese ethnicity looks amazing... almost European. There is no gold or large metal products. But the whole world wears earrings-decoys, plagi and tunnels, perhaps, not even knowing that these carved decorations for the ears came from this Thai island.
In general, the Balinese use metal in jewelry infrequently, the main materials for them are bone, horn and wood. Perhaps, it is possible to highlight only silver jewelry, which is decorated with ivory. On this bone are carved the faces of thai gods, which, if desired, can be decorated with natural gems of the most bizarre shades. It looks fascinating and incredibly beautiful. Now you know exactly what to bring with you from an exotic vacation!
Antiquity is the cradle of our European culture. It is not surprising, therefore, that there is a lot of Greek in ourselves today, even if sometimes we do not realize it. If we talk about jewelry, then Greek jewelry is quite recognizable: products, as a rule, are always symmetrical, tend to strict, correct forms. Often the Greek ethnic can be identified by a kind of ornament - sinuous lines.
Metal is a favorite material for the production of Greek jewelry. The color scheme is quite simple: as a rule, we are talking about blue, gold and white. But these are not bright, competing shades. Greek jewelry is calm and harmonious, delicate and elegant.
The desire of the Greeks for beauty was fully manifested in the Greek ethnics, because here the choice of traditional accessories is extremely rich. In the Greek style and today produce:
"hard" metal necklaces;
hair combs;
decorative hairpins;
large pendants in the form of a drop;
massive hanging earrings;
luxurious tiaras;
Wide metal bracelets.
If you decide to arrange a celebration in the antique style (and this is one of the main trends now), then you are sure: neither you nor the guests will regret that you decorated yourself with jewels in the style of Greek ethnics.
Egyptian jewelry needs no introduction. Suffice it to recall the image of the fatal seductress, Queen Cleopatra. Large products, clear lines, correct geometric shapes, bright simple colors - all this perfectly corresponds to the Egyptian ethnic style.
During the excavations of the tombs of pharaohs and other noble persons, jewelry of incredible beauty was found: necklaces in the form of metal plates, large, massive rings and beads, silver tiaras and thin numerous bracelets in the form of snakes. Since since ancient times, such jewelry performed the role not of accessories, but of talismans, protectors of the Egyptians, it was often possible to find engravings on them either in the form of hieroglyphs or in the form of the outline of a particular deity.
In general, Egyptian jewelry is full of a variety of symbolism. The most common are:
Egyptian gods;
birds or their wings;
scarabs (beetles);
If you pay attention to the color scheme, then here you can find an extraordinary brightness. Perhaps the main Egyptian colors can be called bright blue, azure and gold. But in addition to them, there are other shades in jewelry:
all shades of brown;
any solar;
Egyptian jewelry is popular with fashionistas today. Just need to remember about their features: such accessories are extremely self-sufficient and do not tolerate competition. But it is necessary to "support" them with something - for example, a light stylization under the Egyptian makeup of the same Cleopatra.
Indians of America
Indian ethnic jewelry is a perfect illustration of the fact that the need to decorate themselves in people appeared even earlier than the need to cover up their nakedness. Archaeologists find images of naked Indians, decorated, however, with primitive necklaces.
Interestingly, initially only men decorated themselves. Of course, jewelry carried a sacred meaning: they helped to hunt successfully, protected against evil animals and spirits. Therefore, such jewelry, of course, was more important to men. And in general, until now, many Indians use jewelry exclusively as amulets.
The Indians believed that evil spirits could penetrate a person into certain holes in the face, so they inserted beads near these holes: in the earlobe, in the nose and in the lower lip. Similar beads adorned the entrances to the dwellings of representatives of these peoples: this is also a "hole" through which an evil spirit can penetrate.
After a while, those very famous Indian ornaments that are familiar to us today appeared. They were needed in order to distinguish some people from others. The ornament suggested where a person lives, what he does, what kind of character and social status he has.
Native American ethnics are ornaments made of beads, leather, and feathers. Woven bracelets are most often made of leather, and feathers are an integral part of the Indian pendant. If we talk about the color scheme, then it is quite restrained: the background is light brown, dark sand, the accent is a dark burgundy color. But the main stone for the Indians is turquoise. This is how it happened historically: numerous deposits of this mineral were discovered in the territory where the Indians lived.
Earrings in the Indian version look delightful: these are long hanging intricate ornaments on which an Indian ornament is applied. They can be decorated with beads, leather details. On some earrings, jewelers even manage to put "dreamcatchers"!
Indian ethnicity is one of the most interesting and unusual for us. Ethnic jewelry in India never appeared "just like that", but was closely related to the development of the richest Indian culture. Thus, the most important literary works of India, a kind of encyclopedia (for example, the Mahabharata), contain pictures of people who are richly decorated. And these pictures are explained every single thing - what decorated people with and why this is so.
Interestingly, Indian ethnic jewelry is one of the oldest on Earth. The first mention of them can be found about six thousand years ago. Even then, the thinnest "drops" of gold and silver were combined to obtain a prototype of modern chains. And we remember that it was India that became the country where they learned to mine diamonds and other precious stones for a long time.
Today, for us, there are many surprising and unusual things in Indian jewelry.
Along with women, men also actively decorated themselves. This served as an indicator of masculinity and determined the caste affiliation of a person.
If a woman for some reason cannot be near her husband, then the only thing she can take with her is what is on her. It is understandable, therefore, why Indian young ladies decorate themselves so abundantly. Just in case.
In India, it is customary to combine the incongruous. Imagine what a copper pendant encrusted with coral and diamond, ivory and any non-precious stones would look like? In India, they are sure that it is aesthetically pleasing.
By jewelry, you can find out not only the caste affiliation of a person. Certain items worn on a woman will let you know that she is married or that she has children (how many and what gender). And that's just the beginning!
Indian jewelry, of course, is incredibly diverse. We are accustomed to earrings and rings, bracelets and pendants, even if made in the traditional Indian style. But an Indian woman will certainly decorate herself additionally:
anklette (ankle bracelet);
bindi (this is such a point on the forehead);
earrings for the nose;
tika (a special suspension on the head with pendants hanging on the forehead);
decorations for the toes;
phalangeal ringlets.
Indian jewelers in their work use two powerful sources - religion and nature. Numerous jewelry made using floral motifs. There are also animals and birds.
The color scheme, respectively, is also very rich and juicy:
As already mentioned, in addition to gold and silver, Indian ethnics is characterized by the active use of non-precious metals (copper, brass, cupronickel) and precious stones at the same time. Here they are not afraid of excessive brilliance and luxury, but on the contrary, they are looking for them.
The Caucasus, of course, is large, and it is inhabited by many peoples. But with all the differences, there are some common points. For example, most of the peoples of the Caucasus traditionally wore clothes richly ornamented and decorated with silver and gold threads or sewing. For a woman, festive clothes were the same decoration as accessories are for us now. Moreover, these clothes were decorated with a truly Caucasian scale.
The Caucasus has always been famous for artisans, and therefore historically it so happened that the most important and most ancient craft was for the Caucasians precisely the jewelry business. With gold, however, they practically had nothing to do, but the processing of silver was at the highest level. Jewelry, details of clothing were made of it, and silver was also used in the manufacture of weapons. And only closer to our time, gold and enamels began to be used as materials for jewelry in the Caucasus.
Caucasian jewelry is very large, massive, often using embossing or darkened silver. Traditional for women can be considered wide rigid bracelets, large hanging earrings-chandeliers, multi-layer necklaces, massive rings. In general, in the Caucasus, it seems, there is not even a hint of minimalism: there are exceptionally large accessories in honor.
Traditional Chinese jewelry is primarily clothing jewelry. For the Chinese, it was important to combine symbolism (who this person is, what is his gender and age, social status) and aesthetics (so that the jewelry was beautiful). For this purpose, all means were, as they say, good. The Chinese did not distinguish the "level of jewelry" of certain stones: each gem was worthy of decorating a person. In addition to minerals, Chinese masters actively used bone, horn, glass, wood, enamel and turtle shell. However, the favorite materials of noble people are well known. This is:
kingfisher feathers (this is a beautiful bird, slightly larger than our sparrow, very revered in China).
The component of the costume in China was necessarily considered a headdress - hats or caps. They, of course, were also decorated, and in the first place. To do this, flowers and leaves were used, as well as more durable materials - long ribbons, cords, threads of pearl or jade beads.
Slavic jewelry
Our distant ancestors loved to decorate themselves, but, like many other peoples, they attached special importance to jewelry. They really were amulets, not just accessories. Of course, Ukrainian and Russian, Belarusian and Slovak, Polish and Bulgarian jewelry is easy to distinguish from each other, especially if a professional takes up the matter. But, as in the case, for example, with Caucasian jewelry, common features also stand out, and there are quite a few of them.
One of the favorite materials of Slavic ethnicity has always been considered wood. Wooden bracelets, beads and earrings were catchy and bright, massive and noticeable. They adorned our ancestors also because of the chosen color scheme: the main color was always considered red or its shades (up to terracotta), and contrasting ones were used as an addition:
As you can see, these are not only simple, but also contrasting colors. Obviously, we inherited the passion for bright jewelry from our ancestors.
In addition to wood, materials for Slavic ethnics are called various metal alloys, also beads. Slavic jewelry is always patterned jewelry, jewelry with meaning. As on the towel with embroidery you can read the whole story of the girl's life, and on the jewelry you can see carved runes, solar signs and other amulets designed to protect our ancestors from the power of evil forces.
Perhaps the most favorite female decoration of that period was namisto (or, as it was also called, monisto). For its manufacture, the already mentioned tree could be used, but jewelry made of natural gems - amber, pearls or corals - was available to richer people. Unusually beautiful, but not very expensive looked monisto made of multi-colored glass.
Probably, it makes no sense to repeat for the hundredth time that for ancient people the word "decoration" was not very clear. What we decorate ourselves with today, our distant ancestors used primarily as amulets. But in Tibet, for example, this is not enough. There, jewelry was a clear indicator of a person's social status, and also a kind of mobile "bank", which a woman always wore on herself.
In general, Tibetans, of course, are an amazing people. They don't live very richly, but they don't chase financial stability. They rejoice in the sun, talk to space, and are in no hurry. Perhaps that is why the Tibetan gods reward them.
For a long time, Tibetans have been sure that if you wear jewelry made of precious metals, it means that you will certainly be lucky. A beautiful sign, right? But so that trouble does not lie in wait for Tibetans in a dream, gold and silver jewelry should always be with you - around the clock, all year round. Therefore, it is said that half a century ago, courageous Tibetan women even slept in all their vestments, and it was quite uncomfortable.
By the way, men also wore jewelry. For example, the most common jewelry for all the inhabitants of Tibet are earrings. This is due to a common belief: if you do not have pierced ears in this life, in the next you will definitely be born a donkey. That's why they are in a hurry to make piercings and crumbs, and even small rings in the ears of men are sacred.
Tibetan rings attract the attention of modern fashionistas: they are extremely wide, of the saddle type, and are usually inlaid with stones. The favorite gems of Tibetans are:
lapis lazuli;
Some jewelry for Tibetans played a very specific role, especially for men.
Massive ivory rings had to be worn on the thumb of the left hand without removing them, and this helped protect Tibetans from witches and other evil forces.
Gau amulet. Tibetans believe that this is nothing less than their "portable altar". Outwardly, it looks like a pendant, there are strict rules for its manufacture, knowing which, you can understand what the social status of a particular person is.
A long earring of stones and a hat decorated with stone showed the rank of a particular official. Thus, pearls, rubies or coral testified to the different levels of importance of a civil servant.
It was even more difficult for women: the minimum of jewelry that they were supposed to have consisted of long hanging compound earrings, a massive pearl necklace and a specially designed precious headdress. From what the woman decorated this headdress (with what stones and in what quantity), it was also possible to understand exactly what her social status was. But such expensive accessories gave Tibetan women a certain "financial cushion". Silver, gold, gems, especially in such almost unlimited quantities, were quite serious monetary insurance.
Do not forget that all the jewelry of Tibetans is decorated with religious symbols of Buddhism: from the image of the Buddha himself, mandala circles and ending with applied mantras.
Ancient Japan can hardly be called a country with a pronounced jewelry style. So, for a long time, the Japanese minimalists did not recognize any jewelry at all. The fact is that Japan is a very regulated country in which there are many rules. According to these laws, a particular jewelry could be worn by people of a certain age, in specific cases, even in only one month a year. Women could not decorate themselves "at will", only by following traditions.
The main decoration of Japanese women was, oddly enough, a hairstyle. From what hairstyle a lady does, it was possible to understand her social and family status. Accordingly, the main Japanese jewelry in antiquity was all kinds of hair accessories (today they are called kanzashi, or kanzashi). Precious metals, diamonds and pearls are the main materials for creating beauty in Japanese.
Today, the "Japanese regulations" are not so often observed, there is no such strict ban: every fashionista can decorate herself with unusual elements, stand out with some special bow. And yet... traditions sit so deeply in every inhabitant of the Land of the Rising Sun that they do not really use this right: they do not want to, they say.
Nevertheless, modern Japanese jewelry amazes with a combination of classics, ancient Japanese culture and incredible elegance. Jewelers of Japan are able to combine nature and high-tech, creating truly unique masterpieces. The main gem for the Japanese is still pearls. And they work so skillfully with it that you can not distinguish a real pearl from an artificial one. The color scheme of the Japanese consists of three colors: white, red, black. And no shades! Except for one thing - the color of cherry blossoms. This gentle motif is repeated in a variety of Japanese jewelry, simple and concise, which is extremely to the liking of connoisseurs of minimalism.
How to create an ethnic image on your own?
If you want to bring elements of ethnicity into your everyday or festive image, there is nothing easier. Now you know what kind of jewelry is worn by certain peoples. Your task is to choose the ethnic style that is closer to you. True, it will not be superfluous to take into account the features of appearance: swarthy brown-eyed girls will be more comfortable in the Egyptian or African ethnics, and blonde and fair-skinned beauties will have Greek or Japanese styles to their face. Well, remember that ours, Slavic, is suitable for absolutely everyone.
In order for the image to be authentic, you need to choose a decoration made of one or more natural materials. These can be different substances.
Beads. A favorite material for many nations. As a rule, beads are not the main element, but an additional, actually decorating.
Tree. Perhaps the most popular material in ethnics. Wooden beads, bracelets and earrings, painted in thematic colors, will be a noticeable accent in your image.
Stones. Minerals of "any degree of jewel" are suitable. In form, it is better to give preference to cabochon or unprocessed minerals of a bizarre shape.
Skin. Leather cords on which you can string beads will be great both as a basis for pendants and as bracelets. As an addition, you can use feathers and bones, but such a decoration will already be "binding", bright: you need to carefully consider where you can go in it.
Metal. In addition to traditional gold and silver, you can play with non-precious alloys like copper or cupronickel, as well as brass.
You won't believe it, but the ethnic style is basically absolutely universal. It is easily combined with almost any style of clothing.
Volumetric beads. Try to diversify casual with the help of wooden or metal bracelets or beads, only choose sufficiently voluminous ones.
Large decorations. To make a company of the evening dress will help large, complex jewelry like ethnic earrings or necklaces.
Wide bracelet. The business style will be a little less strict if you add an ethnic pendant or a wide metal bracelet to the pantsuit.
The boho, popular today, simply cannot live without ethnic decorations. Here, without exaggeration, absolutely everything is possible!
The main risk when decorating yourself with all sorts of ethnics is not to become a model of tastelessness. Such bright and special accessories as national jewelry, you need to be able to wear. True, there are few rules here.
Unconditional quality. The main female temptation when traveling abroad is to buy as many beautiful jewels as possible, which also - that's luck! - cost a penny. Think: your task is to find an accessory of decent quality, and not a cheap one stamped for the needs of tourists. In the end, this is a manifestation of respect not only for yourself, but also for the country with whose symbols you decorate yourself.
Less is better than more. The brightness and originality of ethnic jewelry do not tolerate competition. You are not an Indian princess carrying kilograms of gold. We know, it's difficult, but try to leave one ethnic decoration. Well, at most two. Believe me, this will be just right. But no one will prevent you from complementing ethnicity with modern jewelry. Just try to choose neutral, minimalist jewelry.
Compatibility. You'll remember that any accessory is just an addition to your look. So you need to think carefully about compatibility. The most win-win option is to support a precious ethnicity with an appropriate motif in your clothes. Ethnic ornament, fabric or style - at least something should also be "national" or at least "free", like a flying hippie skirt or a bright balloon. If this is not part of your plans (for example, you are wearing a business suit or ordinary jeans with a shirt or sweater), try to choose more strict ethnic jewelry. And we should definitely limit ourselves to one of them.
As you can see, jewelry nationality is a long and fascinating topic. After all, it is important for us not only to find out "how they are there." It is much more interesting how we can apply this most "their" in our ordinary, everyday life. Try it, and you will certainly succeed!
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