Why Do Children Play Yard Games in the Modern World

Why should children play yard games?
Modern children are increasingly spending their free time on gadgets. They are becoming more and more immersed in the virtual world. But will the computer replace communication with friends, is it possible to run, laugh, talk or wrestle with it?
Many games have been undeservedly forgotten. Yard games teach us not to give up, not to turn sour from failures. Games help you become dexterous, fast, and quick-witted. And most importantly, playing with friends outdoors makes us healthy and promotes communication. You can't get all this sitting at home at the computer
At present, the lack of yard games without their adequate replacement is becoming a problem for an entire generation, because with a lack of communication with peers, children do not learn to make friends, do not find their own companies of interest - and, as a result, do not acquire the skills that will become necessary for them in the future.
Today I would like to note the benefits of the games that we often played as children with our friends.
In early preschool age, the main development of a child takes place in play, through play he masters the world around him and new models of behavior. And if at the age of 3 most often the child is still focused on the study of properties and materials, is more inclined to independent play than to active interaction with peers, then by the age of 5 games become detailed, plot-driven. And in a group of children playing together in one large play space, you can see the differences in the typical plots of the game of boys and girls.
Boys prefer games with cars, guns, active games with balls, while girls prefer games with dolls, building something. And if the play group is formed recently, then at first the children are grouped according to their preference for games – girls are more likely to play their games with each other, and boys are more likely to play theirs. But as the group is formed, if the children have known each other for a long time, they begin to gradually expand the range of play situations and models, inviting each other into their games. For example, a girl may agree to play "rescue from the monster" with a boy in a house, provided that each of them finds his own game model, but the game situation arises in common. Boys may also agree to play with girls in caring for the doll. Thus, the foundations for interaction begin to be laid, the ability to negotiate with each other, dividing roles, develops.
In addition to the development of social skills, which are especially successful in role-playing story games that children come up with themselves, there are many old yard games that develop coordination and dexterity, attentiveness and reaction speed. And children play these games with great pleasure with each other. Such games are especially useful for children who have difficulties with attention, as they train this ability in a playful way.
Playing with a ball is interesting in a group of children, when it has a shade of fun competition. In this case, children enthusiastically strive to complete all the stages without making a mistake.
Games that are well known to many since childhood, which also develop motor skills and coordination - "rubber band" and playing hopscotch. An example of a game that trains shifting attention is "The Sea Waves Once". Rules of the game: A leader is chosen, who turns away from the group of children and says loudly: "The sea is agitated once, the sea is agitated twice, the sea is agitated three! Freeze the sea figure!'" At this point, players must freeze in the position they find themselves in. The leader turns around and walks around all the "frozen" people. The first one to move loses.
Another important component in yard games is the choice of the host, which was not always voluntary. Sometimes none of the children wants to drive.
And that's where counting machines come in! A lot of them have been invented and they also perform very important functions.
First, they regulate the game, helping children maintain the rules. After all, you can't come to an agreement without common rules!
Secondly, counting usually has a clear rhythm, these are simple poems that train memory, help children master counting faster and develop a sense of rhythm.
Types of yard games:
Yard games are distinguished by the following features:
In terms of content and educational tasks, i.e. in terms of what they develop, educate and form in the child, for example, the games "The Sea Waves Once", "Ring-Ring" develop a reaction;
By number of players (1, 2, 3 people, group, team);
By time period (seasonal games, e.g. Snowball Fights);
By gender – boys' games ("Knives") and girls' games ("Rubber band");
According to the intensity of movement: sedentary ("Water")), mobile ("Cossacks-robbers", "Above the foot from the ground")), seated ("Ring-ring").
By the presence of attributes (balls, jump ropes, and so on). For example, ball games: "Hali-Halo" and "Dodgeballs", "Edible-inedible", game with a skipping rope: "Fishermen and fish".
Thus, having studied the literature and the Internet, the following conclusions can be drawn:
"Yard games" are a type of folk outdoor games, the history of which goes back to the deep past.
"Yard games" games bring up important qualities and aspects of personality in a child, which are so necessary in modern society, and develop him physically.
Do your children play games like this? If not, it's time to teach them
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