The most powerful computer in the world in 2022
Which computer is the most powerful in the world? Frontier HPE Cray EX235a is a new computer system that topped the TOP500 rating. THE HPE Cray EX is the first system in the U.S. to peak performance in excess of one exascale/s. Where is the most powerful computer in the world? It is currently being integrated and tested at ORNL in Tennessee, USA, where it will be operated by the Department of Energy (DOE). The Frontier achieved 1,102 exaflops/s using 8,730,112 cores. The new HPE Cray EX...
Computers - How they have come to be, and what they are
Computer (English computer, IPA: [kəmˈpjuː.tə(ɹ)]- "calculator", from the Latin computare - to count, calculate]) is a term that came to Russian from foreign (mainly English) sources, one of the names of an electronic computer. It is used in this sense in Russian literary language, scientific, popular science literature.
The use of computers for various purposes is described in terms of automated (for example, automated control), machine (for example, computer graphics), ...
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Телеканал UniverTV прямая трансляция.
Первый и, на сегодня, единственный в России круглосуточный университетский студенческий телеканал...
Отель «Руанда». Hotel Rwanda. (2004)
Руанда, 1994 год. В бывшей бельгийской колонии ухудшается политическая обстановка, и нарастает...
Python Asyncio
Asyncio is a library to write concurrent code using the async/await syntax. Asyncio is used as a...
Named the most visited attractions in the world
The authoritative publication Travel + Leisure has published a list of the main tourist...
Understanding Emulators: Bridging the Gap Between Platforms
In the world of digital technology, emulators are software programs that allow one system to...