The World of Game Conventions: Celebrating Gaming Culture and Community
Game conventions are the epicenter of gaming culture, offering enthusiasts a chance to gather, discover new releases, participate in exciting tournaments, and connect with others who share their passion. Whether focused on video games, tabletop games, or a mix of both, these events provide a vibrant space for gamers, developers, creators, and industry professionals to come together. From massive, multi-day spectacles to more niche gatherings, game conventions continue to grow in popularity...
User Agreement for Games (EULA), why and how it is drawn up
Most likely, each of us at least once in his life when first launching an application or game encountered a pop-up User Agreement or otherwise EULA (End User License Agreement). And undoubtedly many of us immediately accepted such agreements, without spending time reading tons of text, however, what is the EULA and what is it for?
EULA is a license agreement according to which the copyright holder of the game gives the right to the player to use his intellectual property, while...
إقرأ المزيد
Grizzly Man (2005)
A devastating and heart-rending take on grizzly bear activists Timothy Treadwell and Amie...
In which country it is easier to do business: TOP-9 directions for entrepreneurs
Relocation of their own business, its opening or expansion is of interest to more and more...
Batman Begins. (2005)
After training with his mentor, Batman begins his fight to free crime-ridden Gotham City from...
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. (2018)
Teen Miles Morales becomes the Spider-Man of his universe, and must join with five spider-powered...
Молочные зубы. Babyteeth. (2020)
Когда Милла встречает Мозеса, кажется, что у них ничего общего: она – робкий подросток с...