What did Covid-19 do to kids' mental health?
n recent years, the mental health of young people in the United States has been steadily deteriorating, but during the pandemic it has been dealt the most serious blow. As noted in the report of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2021, more than 40% of high school students at times experienced such severe sadness or hopelessness that they could not do their usual things and study, and 22% seriously thought about committing suicide.
Reports on the results of the study...
Doctors create a database of DNA residents of New York: why is it necessary
This week, Mount Sinai Health System began work to create an extensive database of patients' genetic information, the New York Times reported.
The goal is to find treatments for various diseases from schizophrenia to kidney disease. But efforts to gather genetic information about many patients collected during routine blood draws can cause privacy concerns.
The data will be anonymous. Mount Sinai said it has no intention of sharing them with anyone other than researchers. But consumer or...
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