What is family?
As dictionaries say, "the family is a small social group based on marriage, consanguinity or adoption and bound by a common life, a relationship of mutual assistance and mutual responsibility." And this, in turn, should be based on mutual respect, mutual acceptance and mutual love. And we can accept and even more so love only what we know! And whether we know our partner (and ourselves) is still a question!
And so the family! The family is a union of two free, self-sufficient (as many people...
24 ways to increase your family budget
The family budget is the sum of the estimated income and expenses of the family for a month, a year or another period. Keeping a budget is a necessity for everyone who cares about controlling their finances.
Consider a typical family – a husband and wife with a small child. Both work. Expenses mass: food, clothing, utilities, kindergarten and so on. Having calculated all the income and expenses for the month, they realized that their budget is in deficit – they spend more than...
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Money Fight. (2020)
A group of friends decides to document their lives as they search for an underground fight club...
Introduction to Poker Hands
Introduction to Poker Hands
Poker is a game that relies on skill, strategy and anticipation. A...
Thirteen. (2003)
A thirteen-year-old girl's relationship with her mother is put to the test as she discovers...
Psychosis: Alcohol
Approximately three percent of people with alcoholism experience psychosis during acute...
In which country it is easier to do business: TOP-9 directions for entrepreneurs
Relocation of their own business, its opening or expansion is of interest to more and more...