Children and the computer: harm and benefit
A computer for the little ones
Preschoolers, of course, do not need their own computer. For kids, infrequent communication with the parent's computer is quite enough. In the vast world of children's computer games, there are games for this age: a small child can color coloring books on the computer or play puzzles. For older children, there are many educational computer programs that help in learning to read and count. However, it is better not to let the preschooler seriously "get hooked"...
إقرأ المزيد
Одержимость. Whiplash. (2014)
Эндрю мечтает стать великим. Казалось бы, вот-вот его мечта осуществится. Юношу замечает...
Scizophrenia Onset
OnsetOnset typically occurs between the late teens and early 30s, with the peak incidence...
Dyslexia: classification
Dyslexia is divided into developmental and acquired forms. Acquired dyslexia occurs subsequent to...
Плохие сказки. Bad Tales. (2020)
Деннис и Алессия по просьбе отца показывают свои дневники с отличными оценками многочисленным...
Your 401(k): 10 things to find out
1. When can I start contributing?
Not every 401(k) plan allows new employees to begin...