A weather forecast is a scientifically based assumption about the future state of the weather in a certain point or region for a certain period. It is compiled (developed) by meteorological services on the basis of meteorology methods. Forecasts are divided according to the advance date of the period for which the forecast is given[1]: naukasting (current weather forecast) - from 0 to 2 hours; ultra-short-term (SCPP) - up to 12 hours; short-term (PPC) - from 12 to 72 hours; medium-term (SPP)...
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How to Attract Customers Without an Advertising Budget: 6 Promotion Options
You can tell potential customers about your product without a huge advertising budget....
What Are the Best Books on Business Strategy?
Business strategy is a crucial aspect of any successful organization, as it helps define the...
Взвод. Platoon. (1986)
В сентябре 1967 года куда-то в приграничный район между Вьетнамом и Камбоджей прибыл рядовой...
Амадей. Amadeus. (1984)
1781 год. Антонио Сальери успешно справляется с обязанностями придворного композитора при...
Exploring the Evolution and Importance of Public Shopping Spaces
Exploring the Evolution and Importance of Public Shopping Spaces
In the bustling tapestry of...