Antiques and Nobility
One of the most interesting definitions of antiques dates back to the end of the XIX century and is given in the first volume of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron (1890). The peculiarity of this dictionary entry is that it is not written to the word "antiques", although the very concept of "antiques" occurs in it. The article gives an interpretation of the now obsolete word "antique dealer" - "connoisseur of antiquities and archaeologist", a person engaged in...
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Вести Хакасия. ТВ прямой эфир.
В настоящее время филиал ВГТРК ГТРК «Хакасия» является структурным подразделением...
The Forty-Year-Old Version. (2020)
Radha is a down-on-her-luck NY playwright, who is desperate for a breakthrough before 40....