Questions for Experts
    What questions can be posed to the expert?Over the years of our company's work, we have known that it can be difficult for clients (both ordinary people and lawyers) to formulate the right questions for an expert. We help our clients during the consultation to determine what tasks the expert should face. Posing the right questions to the expert is very important, because only in this case the expert's conclusion will become one of the important evidence in resolving the dispute in court....
    By FWhoop Xelqua 2023-01-10 15:38:39 0 405
    10 mistakes that will kill your expert video
    Many experts make these mistakes and lose their audience. But they are easy to avoid - I have put together a selection of tips that will help you record high-quality expert video even at home.  “I don’t need makeup, I want to look natural” Pimples, skin spots, bruises under the eyes, oily sheen - the camera can amplify all this, and the expert in the frame will not look the best. Of course, such imperfections can be removed at the post-production stage, but it is much...
    By FWhoop Xelqua 2022-10-02 12:01:16 0 727
    Search for an expert to produce in Telegram. How to find? What to offer? How to negotiate?
    After we have chosen a niche in which we will work as a producer, we need to find someone whom we will actually produce and earn on it. Yes, we need an EXPERT. And not just any, but suitable for certain criteria. What should it be? Where can I find it? What should he write? How to offer joint cooperation? These questions in the early stages can drive an inexperienced producer into a dead end. That is why I decided to devote a separate article to the search for an expert, in which I...
    By FWhoop Xelqua 2022-09-20 19:02:35 0 1145
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