Sports Referring
Sports refereeing, direct management of sports competitions according to the established rules. The level of sports refereeing depends on the knowledge of the rules for the sport by judges, the ability to apply them, observing the requirements of sports ethics (objectivity, integrity, correctness, etc.), as well as on their experience, experience. Sports refereeing is designed to have an educational impact on the participants of the competition and spectators. (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)...
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Звёздочки на земле. Like Stars on Earth. (2007)
Маленький мальчик 8 лет Ишан Авасти с рождения немного отличается от других детей. Ему дается с...
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Dyslexia: Screening
Screening procedures seek to identify children who show signs of possible dyslexia. In the...
Rose Island. (2020)
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FOX 9 Live TV, Minneapolis-St. Paul USA
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