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Pittsburgh Faith & Family. Live TV.
The Pittsburgh Faith & Family Channel brings the truth of the Good News directly into your...
When Should an Organization Consider Hiring a COO?
In the fast-paced world of business, the decision to bring in a Chief Operating Officer (COO) is...
What Are Examples of Successful Crisis Management Strategies?
Crisis management is the process of preparing for and responding to an unexpected, disruptive...
Нечто. The Thing. (1982)
Команде ученых американской исследовательской станции в Антарктике предстоит столкнуться с...
Взвод. Platoon. (1986)
В сентябре 1967 года куда-то в приграничный район между Вьетнамом и Камбоджей прибыл рядовой...