Top 10 Magazines of the week
Frieze Magazine Website
The respected British art magazine celebrated its 20th anniversary this year: since the beginning of the 90s, the pages of Frieze have analyzed all aspects of the existence of contemporary art - from artists' studios to auction prices. A lot of time and attention is paid to the latter also because Frieze largely represents the interests of one of the most hype art fairs in the world.
Blend Magazine Website
Once published only in Dutch, Blend...
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Exploring the Art of Recreation on Models: A Fusion of Innovation and Nostalgia
Exploring the Art of Recreation on Models: A Fusion of Innovation and...
Космическая одиссея 2001 года. 2001: A Space Odyssey. (1968)
Экипаж космического корабля «Дискавери» — капитаны Дэйв Боумэн, Фрэнк Пул и их...
Python Aiohttp Proxies
The following example shows how to use aiohttp to handle HTTP requests. We’ll send an...
Большой Лебовски. The Big Lebowski. (1998)
Лос-Анджелес, 1991 год, война в Персидском заливе. Главный герой по прозвищу Чувак считает себя...
Гениальное ограбление. The Vault. (2021)
В ограблении главное правильно подобрать момент. Юный гений Том Джонсон решил проникнуть в сейф...