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What Are the Key Elements of a Successful Startup?
Starting a new business is an exciting venture, but it comes with its own set of challenges. To...
10 educational platforms: where to gain knowledge in English
You often hear that knowing English opens up new opportunities. Today we want to provide evidence...
ADHD: Behavioural therapies
There is good evidence for the use of behavioural therapies in ADHD. They are the recommended...
Подарки с неба. Operation Christmas Drop. (2020)
Помощница конгрессмена Эрика Миллер приезжает на военную базу США, чтобы её закрыть. Она ищет...
Рождество на двоих. Last Christmas. (2019)
Кейт работает в магазине рождественских товаров, злоупотребляет выпивкой и давно бросила...