News and Media
Fashion Bloggers
There are now more channels of information than ever before – we get news from social networks, mailing lists and instant messengers. New media appear daily, everyone can turn their personal blog into a public publication with extensive content, especially noticeable in the field of fashion and lifestyle. After the explosion of interest in fashion bloggers a few years ago, the wave began to decline, and the audience hungry for visual content found sources of new beautiful shots in the...
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Where to study IT in the USA?
Where to get the best IT education abroad? Of course, in the USA. Find out about three IT...
Харакири. Harakiri. (1962)
После распада своего клана ронин Хансиро Цугумо прибыл в поместье лорда Ии с просьбой совершить...
Alien. (1979)
The crew of a commercial spacecraft encounter a deadly lifeform after investigating an unknown...
Jailbait. (2014)
Anna Nix is sent to a juvenile prison for the murder of her abusive stepfather. In the prison,...
Oldboy. (2003)
After being kidnapped and imprisoned for fifteen years, Oh Dae-Su is released, only to find that...