Fashion Bloggers
    There are now more channels of information than ever before – we get news from social networks, mailing lists and instant messengers. New media appear daily, everyone can turn their personal blog into a public publication with extensive content, especially noticeable in the field of fashion and lifestyle. After the explosion of interest in fashion bloggers a few years ago, the wave began to decline, and the audience hungry for visual content found sources of new beautiful shots in the...
    Par FWhoop Xelqua 2022-12-07 15:47:41 0 690
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Build a simple 2D Game
Why simpler? In game development, simpler can mean a lot of things. With a physics engine,...
Par Jesse Thomas 2023-06-29 20:03:01 0 196
Oceania is the collective name for a vast cluster of islands and atolls in the central and...
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Нечестивые. The Unholy. (2021)
На дереве, где 150 лет назад была повешена и сожжена обвинённая в колдовстве, глухонемая...
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Атлас. Atlas. (2021)
Аллегра живет в швейцарском Лугано и любит проводить время со своим парнем Бенни, лучшей подругой...
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Сокровища Сьерра-Мадре. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. (1948)
В небольшом мексиканском городке Тампико знакомятся два бедняка Доббс и Кертин. От местного...
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