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The Bridge on the River Kwai. (1957)
British POWs are forced to build a railway bridge across the river Kwai for their Japanese...
By Leonard Pokrovski 2023-03-09 19:18:55 0 334
Why are people so attracted to jewelry?
Have you ever wondered why you like gold and precious stones so much? Why do you want to buy...
By FWhoop Xelqua 2023-01-04 16:41:17 0 615
Java vs JavaScript
What is Java? Java is a statically typed object-based programming language. Its ability to run...
By Jesse Thomas 2023-06-08 21:18:53 0 209
Joker. (2019)
A mentally troubled stand-up comedian embarks on a downward spiral that leads to the creation of...
By Leonard Pokrovski 2022-12-31 20:16:41 0 664
The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)
Die-hard gamers compete to break world records on classic arcade games. My Link
By Leonard Pokrovski 2023-07-25 19:20:21 0 400

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