Periods and Movements
Art periods
As long as we humans can use our hands, we create art. From the early cave paintings to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, human artistic expression can tell us a lot about the lives of the people who created it. To fully appreciate the cultural, social, and historical significance of various works of art, you need to be aware of the broad timeline of art history. This article provides an overview of the many significant eras of artistic creation and the historical contexts from which they...
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The World of Visual Arts: A Creative Journey Through Time and Expression
Visual arts, encompassing a wide range of artistic disciplines, have been an essential part of...
Криминальное чтиво. Pulp Fiction. (1994)
Двое бандитов Винсент Вега и Джулс Винфилд ведут философские беседы в перерывах между разборками...
Raspberry PI Pros & Cons
Five Pros
5. Vast Peripheral Support
Raspberry Pi comes with 26 GPIO Pins which are very useful...
Гран Торино. Gran Torino. (2008)
Вышедший на пенсию автомеханик Уолт Ковальски проводит дни, починяя что-то по дому, попивая пиво...
Psychosis: Methamphetamine
Methamphetamine induces a psychosis in 26–46 percent of heavy users. Some of these people...