Leggi tutto
Moneyball. (2011)
Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane's successful attempt to assemble a baseball team on a...
Малышка на миллион. Million Dollar Baby. (2004)
Тренеру по боксу Фрэнку Данну так и не удалось воспитать чемпиона. Он владеет спортивным залом в...
The Psychology of Sports: Navigating Competition, Preparation, and Transition
Sports have long been a staple of human culture, from recreational activities to intense...
Psychosis: Culture
Cross-cultural studies into schizophrenia have found that individual experiences of psychosis and...
Only chefs know them: 9 simple tips to make food healthier
If you are thinking about how useful the food that you put on your plate at home is, then you...