Which animals can be bred at home for income

Which animals can be bred at home for income
Hello world! What animals can be bred at home for income? If you decide to breed animals on your farm, one of the main tasks you need to solve is to choose the animals. The further fate of your business, making a profit and, importantly, the fate of the animals themselves depend on it.
What animals can be bred at home
The breeding of cows, horses, sheep, bulls, chickens has become popular, but the breeding of rabbits, nutria, goats and turkeys is still at a low level, although with the right approach to the organization of economic activity, these species can become a fairly profitable business. Next, we will focus on each of them separately.
Rabbit breeding
If you do not yet have experience in such a business as keeping and caring for pets, it is better to start with breeding rabbits. They are the most unpretentious fur-bearing animals. By breeding them, you will get to know their biology and gain hands-on experience. The grooming needs of rabbits are quite limited.
They are very sociable and able to easily get used to humans, as well as breeding very quickly in captivity. Rabbits are very prolific, with up to ten rabbits born from one female rabbit. A distinctive feature of rabbits is their early maturity. On the thirtieth day of life, their mass doubles 12 times.
To keep them, it is necessary to have several cages or cage batteries located under a special canopy in the open air. It is very important that they do not pose a danger. Today, most rabbit breeders are confident in the usefulness and profitability of this business, since with 4-5 rabbits per year, you can get up to three centners of meat and up to 200 skins.
Nutria breeding
Nutria farming is a type of small business that can generate high income, and it can be done year-round or seasonally. It is profitable to breed nutria for fur and meat. Their fur is beautiful, warm and thick, slightly inferior in quality to mink, but very wearable. A nutria carcass weighs about 5 kg and costs about 20 USD. If the breeding process is organized correctly, one family produces 20-30 thousand tons of meat per month.
Nutria are unpretentious animals. In the case of year-round breeding, they are mated continuously throughout the year. The behavior of the female is monitored in order to detect in time the season of readiness for mating. For this purpose, a special calendar is used, where the numbers of females, the dates of their pupping, after pupping, and the dates of the repetition of the hunt are recorded.
If you breed nutria all year round, you can get a larger number of offspring and use cages for not one, but two offspring.
When animals are introduced to the main herd, it is necessary to take into account their color and the quality of their hair. If nutria are bred for skins, but the production of full-haired skins occurs at the age of 9-10 months. This means that if young animals are born in the second half of the year, then they will have to be kept until the end of the next year, which lengthens the growing period, increases the cost of time and labor.
The main advantage of this business is the small initial capital investment. But it should be remembered that the breeding of any animals, including nutria, is a laborious process that requires constant cleaning of cages and adjacent territories.
In addition, it is necessary to create conditions for daily bathing of nutria. In general, nutria breeding is not a difficult matter if you are willing to do it and are willing to work.
Goat breeding
A goat is a domestic animal that is quite unpretentious in maintenance. They are bred for milk and down. Goat's milk is very healthy and nutritious. Breeds of goats can be dairy and downy. A small room, such as a barn, is suitable for keeping goats, which should be divided into an open pen and an insulated winter road.
Goats need to graze on pastures with aromatic herbs. By the way, in winter, they are fed with hay and pre-prepared fallen leaves. In summer, they need to be bathed, their hair trimmed and, if necessary, their hooves trimmed.
Properly organized conditions for the care and feeding of goats will ensure good taste and healing properties of milk, which does not need to be boiled, as it has excellent antiseptic properties. Quotient Raising goats now is one of the most profitable areas of animal husbandry.
Breeding turkeys
Raising turkeys is not a difficult task. They are hardy and gain weight quickly. The meat has a delicate pleasant taste. But they also produce eggs that are healthier than chicken eggs. To raise young animals, you need the right approach, patience, a warm and dry room. Birds should have a walking area - a solarium, fenced and having a sufficiently large area.
Small poults are kept in cages that you can buy or make yourself. The cages are made of wooden blocks. The room should be warm. Feeders should be easily accessible. Even though turkey food is not cheap, it quickly pays for itself.
After 8 months, they weigh about 25 kg. The demand and price of turkey meat before the New Year holidays increases significantly, which means that if you have a properly developed business plan, you can make a profit quite quickly.
What animals can be bred at home to earn money, we suggested. So, these types of activities will always be in demand due to the environmentally friendly products produced - meat, milk, skins, wool, down.
Good luck with your animal breeding!
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