Google Ads Guide: Part 7 // Remarketing ; What is Remarketing?


Part 6: Google ads - Youtube ads (

Basic information – what is remarketing

Remarketing is the process of showing ads to those users who have previously interacted with your ads and your project. For example, you watched an ad in a youTube video, visited the site, clicked on an advertisement in search. The advertisement itself is displayed in the Display System, on the websites of Google partners.

What is the value of remarketing in Google Ads? Let's look at an example.

For example, we have an online store of art supplies: it has commercial pages with goods and there is a blog. This blog is read by Andrew. He can't draw, but he learns from blog articles. Andrey is a potential and already very warm client. So that he does not just read the articles and goes for brushes to the shopping center in his city, but buys them in the online store, he needs to be warmed up a little more. That's what remarketing is for.

After Andrew makes his first purchase in the store, for example, buys oil paints, you can use remarketing in Google Ads to show him ads for solvents for oil paints, additives for quick drying and other related materials.

This is just one of the possible scenarios for working with an audience, and remarketing lists can be customized in a variety of ways to reach the maximum number of potential customers.

What goals can be achieved with remarketing - setting up remarketing

Over time, remarketing has evolved into one of the most popular tools. There are 5 main strategies for using it:

  1. Maintaining the user's interest in the product / service. This allows you to interact with an audience that has shown interest in the product / service, but has not yet converted. The time to make a purchase decision can take 5-30 days, and sometimes more. It's important to be there when a customer decides to buy.
  2. Advertising of substitute goods/services. The strategy is designed to advertise goods / services that can perform a similar function of the product that the user was interested in earlier. Suppose the user was looking for the service of seo optimization of the site, in this case he can try to advertise contextual advertising and / or smm.
  3. Advertising of complimentary goods/services. In this case, it is worth showing the user ads after the main conversion, advertising complementary products. For example, we bought a phone - we set up remarketing and show ads for headphones, software, cases.
  4. Organization of the sale. When the sale starts in the store, show ads to all users who have been on the site for the last 1 year.
  5. Promotion of a new product /service. It will help to announce new items to the company's adherents. For example, you have an IT school and you need to run an IT English course. This option will help to quickly gather people for the course.

Negative Audience - Set up remarketing

Similar to negative keywords, there can also be negative audiences – those groups of users to whom you do not want to show your ads. For example, negative audiences should include already converted users for those products that do not buy twice. For example, if a user bought a laptop from your online store, it will be a negative audience when setting up remarketing for an ad group of all the other laptops you have.

There are exceptions to any rule: for example, even converted users who have already added a product to the cart can be shown ads with products of the same group, but more expensive - using remarketing for upsell.

So you can create a regular audience (containing the groups of people you want to exclude) and set it up for exclusion at the campaign or ad group level. To do this, open Audiences → Exceptions.

Lookalike Audiences - Set up remarketing

Lookalike audiences are remarketing audiences close to Facebook's Look-alike, although they work better there: on Google, such groups are often too broad or vague.

They help expand your current remarketing audience by finding people with similar interests and behaviors. So, in the system you can set the characteristic parameters of the target audience, and the service itself will track who meets these parameters. These people will enter the look-alike and will see advertisements from you.

Search Ads Remarketing - Set up search remarketing

Remarketing is not only for the Display System – for Google Search it can also be used with the help of RLSA, it is also remarketing lists for search ads, it is also remarketing lists for search ads. These lists allow you to change bids or adjust ad copy if the visitor is part of a selected remarketing audience.

Logical IF Operators - Remarketing Setup
Logical operators resemble ad modifiers, but do not require a feed to work and are supported only on the search network. They allow you to automatically change the advertisement when one of the conditions specified in the configuration is met. But let's look at an example.

Our artist Andrey is looking for a new brush online store. And in the ad of the online store, a condition is set: when the ad is seen from a smartphone, the phrase “When ordering from a smartphone, a 10% discount” is added. Thus, when Andrei searches for a store from his home PC, the condition will not be met, and he will see a regular ad text. And when Andrey searches for a store from his phone, the condition will be met and a phrase about a discount will appear in the ad.

The operator can be used in any part of the ad, except for the final URL. Those. the title, the description, the extensions can change - almost everything you want. This allows you to make advertising more personalized and stimulate the audience to purchase in the most effective way.

The parameters of the IF function are set in curly braces - these are {}. And here's what it looks like in an example.

Here is the ad variant as we see it in the Ads interface:

Heading 1: Oil painting brushes

Heading 2: Quality synthetic brushes for oil paints

Description: Find quality oil brushes at the best price. {=IF(device=mobile,Get 10% off when ordering from your smartphone.):Buy now!}

The configured condition (function) is here - viewing from a mobile:

{=IF(device=mobile,Get 10% off when ordering from your smartphone.):Buy now!}

if the condition is met (i.e. a person is viewing the ad from a mobile phone), then he will see the part “Get a 10% discount when ordering from a smartphone.”;
if the condition is not met (the ad will be viewed by the user from a tablet, desktop), then the “Buy now!” part will be visible.
That is, for mobile users, the ad will be like this:

Find quality oil brushes at the best price. Get a 10% discount when ordering from a smartphone.

And for the rest like this:

Find quality oil brushes at the best price. Buy now!

Email Targeting - Remarketing Setup
Email address targeting allows you to show ads to customers who search for information in a browser by logging in to their mail. What is important, only Gmail mailboxes will be taken into account - the number will not work with either or Yandex. Ads are served to addresses on the Gmail, YouTube and Google Search platforms.

Email must be provided by the client personally: this is where the collection of contacts in exchange for free offers comes in handy, as we talked about in the previous parts. Only when personal data is provided, they will be added to your database. It is also important that only primary email addresses (, not name@company.domen) that are associated with a Google account fall under targeting.

How it works:

You upload an e-mail list to the service.
The system compares them and finds the appropriate accounts who need to show ads.
When searching information in the search network for keywords set in the RK, the system looks for matches between the uploaded Ads addresses and the email address that the person uses in Gmail, YouTube or Search. If there is a match, display ads will be shown.
What is the benefit of this opportunity and when to use it is relevant:

customers who leave e-mail are warm. It is easier to “warm up” them before buying, purposefully notifying about special offers - discounts and promotions;
if you exclude the display of ads to users from your database, you will find new customers more easily and will not spend your budget on attracting those who have already been attracted and gave you their e-mail;
With an email list, it's easier to create a list of similar audiences and expand your target audience in Gmail and YouTube.
To configure the use of this type of targeting, open the menu Tools → Audience Manager → the “+” button → Client List.

The customer base - a list of email addresses for targeting - is collected and uploaded in CSV format and should weigh up to 17 MB. Email lists are connected in the same way as remarketing lists in the Display Network, Search Remarketing, and Video campaigns.

Important! Sometimes the system needs time to fully load the list – until that point, it will not be possible to select it as a targeting method in the campaign. This is a normal situation, just postpone the setting for a couple of hours.

Part 8: Google Ads : Mectrics (

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