What is Human Genealogy?


Every person at least once in his life thought about what the origin of his surname was, who his ancestors were, what they did, how their fate developed and what role their life played in the formation of the state. A person who does not know the history of his kind loses the thread of time running from his ancestors to the present moment. A series of historical events that had a serious impact on the ideals and foundations of the country, led to the fact that many do not know the names of the predecessors of the family due to the loss of information.

To fill the gaps in the history of the family and restore the thread of time will help such a science as genealogy. It allows you to get more information about ancestors, learn about the estates, occupations and professions of previous generations, as well as compile a family tree.

What is genealogy as a science: the concept, definition and meaning of the word

This concept has several interpretations. In a broad sense, genealogy is a science that studies information about the kinship of families and dynasties and systematizes the data obtained on the origin of the human race and the succession of generations in chronological order. In a narrow sense, the term is an auxiliary historical discipline, within which there is a regular collection of information about generations of one family, data on the origin of the genus and systematization of the information received from the past to the present.

This science originated in ancient Greece and in Latin means "family lineage". In our country, the first appearance of genealogy occurred during the time of tsarist Russia. Due to the principle of direct paternal transfer of power and property, there is an urgent need to constantly keep records of the successors of generations in order to prove the right of inheritance. Thus arose the genealogical schemes of the dynasties of the nobility and other high-ranking families. According to such schemes, many historians in our time determine the continuity of generations of families of the 15-16 centuries.

The history of the family family, regardless of status and class, is formed from thousands of destinies and lives. Studying the genealogy of a dynasty, surname or a separate branch of the family, you can plunge into the real history of your family, learn the names and fates of your ancestors. The family thread of time allows you to feel the spirit of unity with the previous generation, as well as to establish the significance of your kind in the history of the whole state.

As an auxiliary historical discipline, the first appearance of genealogy in our country dates back to the eighteenth century. The definition of this discipline has a narrower character, that is, the systematization of information about ancestors and generations occurs within the same genus. The systematization process includes several stages:

Conducting an analysis of the origin of specific personalities and the genus as a whole.
Compilation of family chains for the succession of generations within one genus.
Compilation of pedigree books and trees with genealogical schemes and family heraldry.
What the Science of Genealogy Studies: Object, Functions, and Methods
The main aspects of the study are: the interconnection and intersection of human genera, the fact of the origin of specific personalities, the establishment of family ties and the formation of family trees and paintings.

The object of scientific activity is society, or rather the society of people within the same family family and historical sources that prove the connection of generations and kinship. Within the framework of this science, a narrower direction is distinguished - genetic genealogy. It studies human DNA to establish kinship.

unctions of genealogy
Research. The information obtained is an integral element necessary for such sciences as ethnography and onomastics. Also, this direction is the basis for history, literature, local history and other social and humanitarian sciences.
Hereditary. It is a fundamental function, gave rise to genealogy as a science. Its peculiarity is to establish the fact of kinship with previous generations.
Legal. Thanks to the fact of establishing kinship, it allows you to prove the right to inherit and dispose of movable and immovable property.
Biographical. Allows you to form a biography of individual personalities of the family and the whole dynasty of the family.
Medical. By obtaining information about the state of health of ancestors, it is possible to diagnose diseases that are inherited in a timely manner and take the necessary measures to preserve health.
Genealogy methods
During the Middle Ages, the initial study of genealogies consisted of the collection of information by heralds from representatives of noble dynasties. As the data accumulated, they were formed into archives. To date, interaction with archival information is the most popular among researchers.
Thanks to the development of scientific and technological progress, and in particular computer technology and the Internet, various sources have appeared on the network containing a huge amount of information about pedigrees. Thanks to such databases, even an amateur can get information about his ancestors and make a family tree.
Within the framework of genetic genealogy, laboratory studies of human DNA are used to accurately establish kinship.
A specialized system of symbols and numbering of faces in genealogical tables are used in a practical historical discipline.
How to Find Roots and Know Your Genealogy

You can get information about your generation and ancestors in a variety of ways. The simplest is to obtain data from relatives. Ask your grandparents about their parents and grandparents. Be sure to take a notebook with you, and preferably a voice recorder, so as not to miss more than one detail. If you have relatives in other cities and countries, you can contact them by e-mail and ask them to record a video where they talk about previous generations. It is preferable to choose open-ended questions, that is, those that imply a detailed answer. When communicating with older people, take your time, patiently wait for their response. For the convenience of systematizing information, you can create blank cards with which you will go to the interview:

Name. When interviewing women, the maiden name should also be indicated.
Full date and place of birth.
If the person is no longer alive, then the date of death and the place of burial should be indicated.
Name of both parents.
Names of godmothers and fathers.
Class, if a person was born before 1917.
Place of residence by year.
Professed religion.
Education (school, SUZ, university).
Places of work, positions, titles.
Participation in wars, battles (years and places).
The presence of military, scientific and other awards.
Spouse's full name.
Names and dates of birth of children.
Such prepared signs will help to direct the conversation along the right path and not to miss important information.

Another option for obtaining information may be to contact the Internet. Specialized databases allow you to quickly get information about the next generations of the family. Especially popular are the resources where you can learn about relatives who participated in the war. It is necessary to know the surname, name, patronymic, date and year of birth of the recruit. By entering these data you will be able to trace the path of the fighter in the war.

The most reliable option for obtaining information for compiling a family tree and pedigree is to cooperate with specialized companies that help to learn about the fate of ancestors. Such studies allow you to get the greatest amount of information, since specialized companies have access to archives. You can trace the history of the family to fifteen generations.

Where to start
Drawing up the pedigree of your family should begin with the living generations. Try to interview the elderly as soon as possible, because their stories and stories will help not only to make a tree, but also bring a lot of warm feelings and memories. So you will get the necessary information, as well as please your older generation - spend time with grandparents, and give them a reason for pleasant nostalgia.

You can learn about previous generations from the archives. Every year, more and more information goes digital, so the data will be stored for years without loss. Hurry up to get real memorable stories from loved ones, and then you can start interacting with the archives.

Going to the archive yourself, you should remember that some types of documents can be accessed only if your last name matches the person you are looking for. If the surname does not match, it is necessary to provide a document confirming the relationship, for example, a birth or marriage certificate, based on the search line (maternal or paternal). It should be known that certificates confirming the civil status of the person are transferred to the archive after one hundred years after their creation. For example, information about a marriage concluded after 1917 can be found in the registry office, and a marriage concluded earlier - in the regional or federal archives.

The Importance of Knowing Genealogy
Family is the main part of any person's life. It should be remembered that the family is not only living relatives, but also previous generations. It is important to preserve the memory and bring it to the next generations. Today you see your relatives – parents, grandparents, but perhaps your children will not see them. Therefore, it is necessary to collect as much information as possible in order to compile a family tree.

Thanks to the creation of pedigree books and trees, you can find out who your ancestors were, what served as the basis of your surname, as well as systematize all the information received about generations.

Knowing your genealogy is of great value to all family members:

Collecting and processing information allows you to feel part of a large family family. Feel the importance of your personality and understand your role in a series of generations. Such an emotional state is an excellent nourishment for your body and the stabilization of the personality in society. Knowing his "roots", a person acquires additional support and foundation for his life.
Taking part in the compilation of the genealogy of the genus, the family is united. Children communicate more with the older generation, which brings joy to both the child and the adult. During the compilation of the pedigree, children begin to understand the importance of the family and the depth of generations. Such an occupation develops family values and traditions.
Obtaining information about previous generations will also be medically useful. Through the collection of data on ancestors, it is possible to learn about genetic predispositions and diseases transmitted by inheritance. The possession of such information will allow you to diagnose the body and, if there are prerequisites for diseases, to carry out the necessary treatment in a timely manner.
Thanks to the compilation of the genealogy of the genus, it is possible to solve a large number of problems that are important for modern man. For example, to preserve their health and establish the true right of inheritance. In addition, the knowledge of the pedigree has a huge impact on the spiritual component of life. Knowledge about ancestors, the establishment of their kind of activity, as well as the fact of participation in important events for the country makes it possible to plunge into history, understand the importance of one's family in the formation of the state and feel the full power of generations.


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