Life in the city and in the village: Pros and cons of the city and village

What is better than a town or village? There is no definitive answer to this question. At least, because all villages and towns are very different and it would be wrong to generalize. In this article, we want to outline the general advantages and disadvantages of the city and the countryside. P think about what you will lose and what you will gain if you decide to move to live in the countryside. For some, the disadvantages of village life are unbearable, and someone does not consider them to be disadvantages at all.
Pros of living in the village
The main advantage of the village is the non-polluted environment. Clean air is exactly what you can't buy for any money. If you live in a place where pollution is high, you will breathe what you have, whether you want it or not. At first glance, it seems that the issue of high-quality drinking can be solved by buying bottled water. But this is not so, because often water is sold purified, that is, not spring, but simply passed several levels of filtration, which means that its composition will not be useful for the body. If we consider that the packaging consists of plastic, it is unlikely that this water can be called pure at all. Another important type of pollution is sound pollution. The round-the-clock noise of the freeway, advertising shouts, radio voices, conversations of neighbors behind the wall - this is not a healthy environment for human hearing. Silence in the village creates a calm rhythm of life. Light pollution is rarely mentioned. But I am reminded of a study that the trees in the park grow much worse than their counterparts outside the city. And the reason is the lanterns that burn at night. The plant loses the cycle of day and night, which prevents the course of natural processes. The same failures of day and night are not favorable for the human body.
Absence of information garbage
In the village, a person is surrounded not by signs and billboards, but by aspens and birches. There is no constant intrusion of unsolicited information into the head. From that, it is easier to think here, it is easier to hear your inner needs, and not imposed by cunning advertising wishes.
Opportunity to eat natural food
The main advantage of living in the village is the ability to eat well. There will be good food, there will be good health. Many may argue, they say, and in megacities there are farmers' markets and shops. But I would like to note that not every product is natural, on which it is written "farm", "eco", "rustic", "home" and so on. A person living in a village is harder to fool. It is better oriented in the features of food production and accurately determines the taste, composition of the product.
Nature in the village is always nearby
Walk around the neighborhood, for mushrooms, fishing. Meditating or just swimming in the river does not matter. It is important that you communicate with nature. And for such a pleasure you do not need to pay. You don't have to go far for it. You can enjoy nature every day, not on weekends.
When the landscape becomes the background of ordinary life, you become more attentive to the world around you. You get knowledge from observations, not from books and movies. Various species of animals, insects and plants, features of weather conditions - all this and many other invisible processes occurring in nature become clearer and closer.
In the village, a person has more free time
This is a controversial point, because the owner of a private house with a plot always has more things to do on improvement than a citizen living in an apartment. But in the village there is no need to spend time standing in queues and traffic jams, so the time spent with benefit will be more. And this can certainly be attributed to the advantages of life in the village.
In the village, a person acquires many new skills
Your house with a plot dictates thousands of tasks. Today we make a house above the well and remember geometry lessons to calculate the consumption of materials. Tomorrow you want to arrange a flower bed and immerse yourself in the subtleties of landscape design. Diverse activity develops a person, makes him more flexible and easily trainable.
Speaking of skills. If you still decide that you want to live in the village, then it would be reasonable to master several skills that will undoubtedly facilitate rural life. We have described the professions in detail in the article below.
Physical activity
In the village, people lead a more mobile lifestyle, which favorably affects their health. I chopped wood, took a walk in the forest, dug up a bed. Only the main thing is to dose this activity so that it is beneficial, and does not undermine health. Otherwise, this advantage of living in rural areas can easily become a serious disadvantage.
The village teaches to improve its ecological footprint
Living in the village, you inevitably think: "Here is organic garbage – it goes to the compost. And my plastic packaging where? In the trash can. And from the tank, where will they go? To an unauthorized landfill or landfill? And how do they, in fact, differ in terms of harm to nature? Both will rot and poison the air, soil and water for decades."
In the village, you begin to realize how important it is to be economical about natural resources. "I don't have counters, let the water flow" – this attitude is not acceptable. Because in the village, you can clearly see how in a dry year, the water level in the well drops. In such moments, you understand how valuable a resource it is and how easily it can disappear. You think about the dangers of detergents, because the sewer is located on your own site, and all the chemistry gets into your piece of land. After realizing the danger of chemical detergents for the soil, you wonder if it is harmful to plants and microorganisms, is it harmful for me to rub this shampoo into my head? I'm also a living being, after all.
Personal space
In the village, a person has more space to live. The world is not limited to apartment squares. You will not learn the details of the personal life of neighbors through the wall, you will not listen to the crying of other people's children and the scandals of adults. In addition to the house, there is a plot where you can equip workshops for work or cozy places to relax. There is no problem where to put the car and walk the dog.
Safety in the village
Where is it safer: in the village or in the city? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, in different regions there is a different situation. If you have learned in advance that there are no antisocial personalities in the village, you can be calm. Flying criminals in the village are a rarity. After all, there are no outsiders here, everyone knows each other. And if an unfamiliar face appears, he will be asked: "Who are you to?"
Economy in the village
Real estate in the village is cheaper, utility bills are less, products are more affordable. Something you can produce yourself, at least elementary - greens, radishes, zucchini. Something to buy from a neighbor or from a grandmother at the market. You can not pay for water at all by digging up your water source in the village. It can be a well or a well, everyone decides for himself. There are no inexplicable payments for major repairs, everyone is responsible for the condition of his housing. In this case, not only money is saved, but time and nerves are saved, because not always housing and communal services employees come to correct problems at the first call, polite and calm.
A general atmosphere of peace and tranquility
There are fewer people in the village, which means less noise, fewer cars, fewer queues. There is no one to create fuss and running around, besides, proximity to nature adjusts to a calm and measured life.
Cons of living in the village
Problems with earnings
The main disadvantage of life in the village is a very limited set of jobs: school, hospital, post office, shop. The salary in such places is not always of a good level, and there is a queue for those who want to get a vacancy. This problem can be solved by freelancing, working in the nearest city, organizing your own business. At the same time, it is not necessary to choose the agricultural sector, it may well be an auto repair shop, a construction team or a bakery.
For example, in the first season we took up the production of Ivan tea at home. In the beginning, we needed 2 cotton pillowcases to collect tea, racks for drying and glass jars for storage. Everything took no more than 2 thousand rubles. So the investment is not large, everyone moving can try. About our method of harvesting, full processing and sale of Ivan-tea, read the link below.
"No one to talk to"
It's possible that when you move to the countryside, you'll have a problem of lack of communication. Part of it, because all your friends and acquaintances will stay in the city. And among the local villagers, you may not come across like-minded people. If communication is important to you, when you move, pay attention to what kind of people live in this village. Also, as choosing an apartment in the city, you pay attention to the area in which the house is located, when moving to the village, it is better to feel this issue in advance, so as not to find yourself among antisocial personalities.
Cultural life of the village
Leisure in the village is somewhat more expensive. If we are talking about theaters, exhibitions and cinema halls. Once a month or six months to go to a cultural event is not expensive, but if you need to do it every weekend, then the transportation costs will be tangible. The peculiarity of village life is that for the most part you will have to decide for yourself what to do with your leisure. And, in general, this is not always a minus, because this is what pushes many to develop their creative potential.
Purchase of appliances, furniture, electronics, clothing and footwear
Categories of these goods are somewhat more expensive in the province. In the village, as a rule, the choice is not large and often you have to go to the city for shopping or make an order via the Internet, overpaying for delivery. There are no bookstores. In the village and in the district centers, there is often nowhere to buy books. At least, our experience confirms this. In solving this problem, the Internet is also the best ally.
Quality of education, lack of developmental sections for children
In the field of education, the situation may be different. There are villages where there is no longer a school, and parents take their children to study in a neighboring village or in the district center. There are families that solve this problem with homeschooling. In our country, it is legal, children study at home, then pass tests at school and receive a certificate of the established sample. On the forums write good reviews about this type of training. Studying at home with their parents, children grasp the material faster, they have more free time for outdoor games, additional classes and help to parents. However, there are villages where this problem does not exist at all, because there is a school. Sometimes the quality of schooling is higher in the province than in the city. There are fewer students, which means that teachers can pay more attention to them.
Lack of specialists in villages
In the province, there is often a problem of shortage or complete absence of specialists. In any field: from a dentist to a plumber. Often those who have moved to the land learn to perform many repairs themselves. At least in order to monitor the quality of work performed by a local specialist. As a maximum, to solve your problem yourself. Many choose the second option and master everything they need: from plastering the walls to installing a sink. At the same time, many do not consider this a disadvantage of village life, because it is often interesting to master various activities, new skills and achievements give a lot of positive emotions and have a good effect on self-esteem. And for high-quality medical services, sometimes you have to go to the city.
When choosing between the city and the countryside, focus on your preferences and abilities. Look for a place that will inspire and delight you. Consider different options, think about how to turn the minuses into pluses, and your move will definitely be crowned with success. All the difficulties will pay off with the life you dreamed of.
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