Human-Computer Interaction
Man of the future. New technologies will change our body and mind by 2030
According to transhumanists, neural interfaces, electronics that improve our capabilities, and other technologies will seriously transform society in the next decade
Today, companies are developing strategies for future investments and technologies in areas such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things or new business models. Of course, their development will contribute to serious infusions from investors within 5-10 years, but interesting changes await technologies associated...
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How to make the brain work 100 percent at any age
For a long time, there was a hypothesis that, getting involved in any work, we use only 10% of...
Тропы славы. Paths of Glory. (1957)
Действие киноромана развертывается в 1916 году на Западном фронте. Полковник Дэкс командует...
Psychosis: Etymology
EtymologyThe word psychosis was introduced to the psychiatric literature in 1841 by Karl...
Оккупант. The Occupant. (2020)
Хавьер Муньос, когда-то успешный руководитель, принимает решение покинуть свой дом, который он и...
How Long Should a Business Biography Be?
When writing or reading a business biography, one common question that often arises is:...