Man of the future. New technologies will change our body and mind by 2030
According to transhumanists, neural interfaces, electronics that improve our capabilities, and other technologies will seriously transform society in the next decade
Today, companies are developing strategies for future investments and technologies in areas such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things or new business models. Of course, their development will contribute to serious infusions from investors within 5-10 years, but interesting changes await technologies associated...
Статьи пользователей
Global Innovation Index 2022
According toWIPO's 2022 Global Innovation Index (GII) report, the world's most innovative...
Музыка Мода ТВ Прямой эфир.
Музыка Мода ТВ - российский музыкально-развлекательный телеканал, который создан 29 июня 2021...
К северу через северо-запад. North by Northwest. (1959)
Однажды успешного рекламного агента Роджера Торнхилла ошибочно принимают за агента разведки...
Make A 2D Game With Unity
How to Create a 2D Game in Unity
To create 2D games, we need to use Unity Hub. Unity...
Changes in equilibrium price and quantity: the four-step process
Key points
There is a four-step process that allows us to predict how an event...