Architecture is the art and science of building, designing buildings and structures (including their complexes), as well as the very set of buildings and structures that create a spatial environment for human life and activity. Architecture creates a materially organized environment necessary for people to live and work, in accordance with their aspirations, as well as modern technical capabilities, aesthetic and artistic views. In architecture, functional (purpose, usefulness), technical...
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Promising business in 2024
It will be possible to open a business and run it successfully, given the situation on the market...
Photography art is the photography-based art of creating a photograph that reflects the creative...
Pottery / Do-it-yourself ceramics
What ceramics are made of and where to get materials for workCeramics is baked clay, which is the...
New Year's games
A home New Year's holiday is a long-standing good tradition. Older family members want to give...
Непрощённый. Unforgiven. (1992)
История Уильяма Мунни — бывшего хладнокровного убийцы, нашедшего в себе силы покончить с...