Architecture is the art and science of building, designing buildings and structures (including their complexes), as well as the very set of buildings and structures that create a spatial environment for human life and activity. Architecture creates a materially organized environment necessary for people to live and work, in accordance with their aspirations, as well as modern technical capabilities, aesthetic and artistic views. In architecture, functional (purpose, usefulness), technical...
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What Are the Initial Steps to Start a Business?
Starting a business is an exciting and rewarding endeavor, but it can also be overwhelming if you...
How to use neural networks to write a script for TikTok, Reels and Shorts
In 2023, neural networks continue to be one of the most actively developing areas. In recent...
Best AI Services for Copyright, Everything for Writing
While some are afraid of the power and unpredictability of AI, others use neural networks and...
Новый порядок. New Order. (2020)
Роскошная свадьба представителей высшего класса прерывается явлением непрошенных гостей - в...
Никогда, редко, иногда, всегда. Never Rarely Sometimes Always. (2020)
Легко ли быть девушкой в современном мире? Кто придет на помощь, если ты попадешь в беду? Как...