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Бэтмен: Начало. Batman Begins. (2005)
В детстве юный наследник огромного состояния Брюс Уэйн оказался свидетелем убийства своих...
What is the Role of Innovation in Business Strategy?
In today’s competitive business environment, innovation is no longer just a buzzword; it is...
Climate Change Mitigation
Climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing humanity. To a large extent, it is...
The Dangers of Smoking
On the dangers of smoking
Smoking is one of the most significant threats to human...
Нюрнбергский процесс. Judgment at Nuremberg. (1961)
В Нюрнберге идет процесс над нацистскими преступниками. Слушаются дела юристов, служивших...