Fun Games to Play with your colleagues


The best games for corporate events: take note and send to colleagues

Corporate parties at work - games, competitions, feasts, trips to nature. We collected creative, intellectual and active competitions for the corporate party and shared tips to make the holiday lively, and fun for everyone.

Widely or simply, in an office or cafe, through the efforts of top managers or ordinary colleagues, but this will happen - a corporate party is organized in the office. The reason can be very different - gender holidays, the anniversary of the company or some other equally important occasion. It may happen that it is you who will become the very asset that will take up the entertainment program, and among the search queries in your phone there will be "games at a corporate party in a team" or even "table games for a corporate party".


Just don't panic. We know how to have fun with this evening. With us – the top list of games for corporate events. You have initiative and good company. We promise that in our list there will be interesting games for corporate parties, for which you will definitely not be ashamed.

In addition, remember that, among other things, a corporate party is an opportunity to walk an elegant dress, communicate with colleagues in an informal setting, in addition, a party at work and fun games for a corporate party is a holiday in the circle of your colleagues and management.

Why do we need games for corporate events

A party with colleagues is an occasion for someone to dress up beautifully, someone is most expensive than a festive table, but there are also those who love funny competitions. Games at the corporate party for employees, cool and relaxed, will help you and your colleagues to look at each other from a new side. If this is a game where people are divided into groups, the most unexpected teams can be formed. And it is also very funny and allows you to relax - this is just facilitated by outdoor games for a corporate party, which will make you dance, jump and, possibly, even crawl, those who previously hid such abilities.

Game for corporate parties: "Do not shoot!"

  • Number of players: any.
  • Prepare in advance: a large box or an opaque bag where to collect various comical things: children's tights, boxer panties, a large bra, bonnets, clown noses, etc. Yes, funny and interesting games for corporate events require inventory!

The essence: The meaning of this game for a corporate party is cool ridiculous outfits. At the signal of the presenter, the participants pass the box to each other to the music. As soon as the music stops, the one in whose hands the box is pulling one thing out of it and putting it on himself. The condition is not to shoot it for the next half hour!

Hint: don't forget to charge your camera. When else will you see the guard Vasily in a bra 100f!


Corporate party game: "Likes-dislikes"

  • Number of players: any.
  • Prepare in advance: your body?

The bottom line: this is a kind of game at a corporate party in a team at a table. The facilitator (the most active of colleagues, you can take on this role) asks everyone sitting at the table to say which part of the body they like and which one the neighbor on the right does not. For example, "I love his left knee and I don't like his nose." At the end of the revelations, the host asks everyone to stroke (kiss) the "lucky" places and pinch (bite) the sufferer for the "unsuccessful" ones. After such a game for adults at a corporate party, colleagues can start relationships - and not only friendly ones.

Hint: it is desirable that colleagues of different sexes sit next to each other.

Tip 2: After biting the sysadmin on the butt, go back to your work computer and make backups of all your important documents. Maybe revenge...


Corporate Party Game: "Flying Gait"

  • Number of players: any.
  • Prepare in advance: bottles (plastic or glass).

The bottom line: in front of the volunteer in a row, at the same distance put bottles. He is blindfolded and asked to walk through an obstacle without touching a single container. While the victim resents the difficulty of the task, the bottles are removed. As a result, you get a proud flamingo bird, diligently walking around the office. Yes, games and competitions for a corporate party can be cruel – the bird will not immediately understand why everyone dies so much from laughter.

int: clean the dishes very quietly. It's still going to be needed.

Game for corporate party: "Whalefish"

  • Number of players: any.
  • Prepare in advance: space (see hint).

The bottom line: Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. The presenter in the ear tells each the names of the two animals. Then loudly lists the animals, a person, having heard "his", must sit down. The task of its neighbors is to prevent this from happening. The game is going at a fairly fast pace. When everyone gets a taste, the host will say "whale" – it is this animal that is given to each participant by the second point. The result will amuse everyone! It can be a game at a corporate party not at the table, but in nature - it is more pleasant to move in the fresh air.

Hint: prudently clear the space within the radius of the fall of colleagues from sharp and breakable objects. Not everyone is happy to land on a hole punch. And also remember that outdoor games need to be held on time, even before the people have time to dance and tire. You see that people are already ready to sit down, and the corporate party is in full swing, hold games and competitions at the table - there are plenty of them in our list.


Corporate Game: "Situation Comedy"

  • Number of players: any, but only male.
  • Prepare in advance: inflated balloons, scotch tape, matches.

Bottom Line: These are game options for a company for a corporate party. Surely there are men in the team who are still not averse to getting a million dollars and who are still wondering what it's like to be pregnant? Great, this game is just for them! Role-playing games corporate will make not only funny, but also show colleagues from an unexpected side. Here's what to do. Balloons are tied to the bellies of the participants. Before each "pregnant woman" a box of matches is scattered. The task is to collect matches as quickly as possible and prevent the "stomach" from bursting. To hold such games at a women's corporate party most likely does not make sense. Hint: is it worth limiting yourself to one balloon? Give chief economist Sergei Ivanovich another try!

Corporate party game: "What's my name?"

  • Number of players: any.
  • Prepare in advance: plates made of paper with funny, not the simplest words on them (lemur, bread slicer, bulldozer, cutie, etc.).

The bottom line: everyone gets a new name for the evening - a corresponding plate is attached to the back. The task of the players is to find out their nickname from others. Questions can only be answered "yes" and "no". The winner in this game is the one who first guesses the inscription on his plate. This game for a corporate party can be held at the table - pick up funny, but not very offensive options for new names.


Hint: the bread slicer will be offended if you click it like this all next year.

The game for the corporate party is cool: "It will be performed"

  • Number of players: any.
  • Prepare in advance: except that the desire to sing (with the ability is more difficult).

The bottom line: depending on the number of players, divide into groups - team games for corporate events are perfectly united. Together choose the theme of the contest, such as love, snow, animals... Each team should remember the song "on topic" and perform a few lines from it. The winners are those who last the longest.

Hint: Be creative and don't be afraid to argue. If you want, you can prove to anyone that the song "You threw me!" is dedicated to a real animal! Games and competitions for a corporate party are cool ways to train useful skills, for example, the ability to defend your opinion.


Corporate Game: "The Big Race"

  • Number of players: any.
  • Prepare in advance: cocktail straws and ping pong balls (according to the number of participants).

The gist: prepare the track. Place bottles, glasses, glasses on the table (in general, everything that comes to hand - yes, games for corporate parties for adults are like this) so that paths are formed. On them, players will chase their balls, blowing on them through straws. The winner is the one who arrives at the finish line first.

Hint: it is good to play in pairs for elimination: a new participant takes the place of the loser. The rest at this time can perform the song "... Chase in hot blood" - musical games for corporate events will reveal previously unknown talents in colleagues.


Competitions for a corporate party with colleagues: "Trial cartoon"

  • Number of players: from 5 to 20.
  • Prepare in advance: pencils, paper and erasers.

The bottom line: Each player draws a friendly caricature on someone present. Portraits are passed in a circle, and everyone on the back writes who is depicted in the drawing. When the art has passed the circle and returned to the author, count the number of points (i.e. the correct answers). The author of the most recognizable portrait wins. Corporate games for adults provide an opportunity to plunge into childhood a little – save the funniest portrait to look at it in a year.

Hint: so that no one is not covered, draw a draw in advance - who portrays whom. And there is no need to draw a mustache to Glafira Pafnutyevna, like Budenny' - in fact, the bristles above her lip are only outlined ...


Game for corporate party: "What, where, when"

  • Number of players: any.
  • Prepare in advance: paper, pens according to the number of participants.

Gist: Do you think that the game in the format of question-answer for a corporate party is not suitable? You're wrong. Many corporate game scenarios include just such entertainment. So, everybody sits at the table. The host asks a general question, for example, "who?", the players write the answer, fold the sheet so that the written is not visible, and pass it to the neighbor on the right. Then the next question is asked, for example, "when?", the procedure is repeated. The game lasts until everyone has written their sheets. Then, under the friendly laughter, the presenter reads out the resulting stories - table games for a corporate party are usually very fun. However, you probably mastered a similar fun in school. Hint: the presence of a presenter is not important. Questions can be asked by everyone in turn. At the same time, you will find out who, when and what is really doing late at night on the office couch ... By the way, if the party drags on, the game can acquire an even more frivolous shade, which means that it can be a curious version of the game for corporate adults at the table.

Competition for corporate party: "Fully agree"

  • Number of players: any.
  • Prepare in advance: paper, pens or pencils.

Bottom line: Break into two teams. Everyone receives a sheet with categories marked on it, for example, city, river, country, technology, plant, etc. Choose a letter of the alphabet and start the game. Over a period of time (a minute or two), the team needs to remember as many suitable words as possible. Intellectual games for a corporate party are held infrequently, because at a party you want to turn off your brain and laugh heartily. But such a transitional option between an intellectual and just a funny game is perfect for the beginning of the holiday. You can download the answer options for this game to the corporate party to prompt those who are completely confused.


Hint: games for corporate events can be professionally oriented, it will unite the team. How nice it is for friendly workers (and female employees) of the car service to jointly come up with the fifteenth name of the engine part for the letter щ!

Game for corporate party at the table: "Funny letters from a to z"

  • Number of players: any.
  • Prepare in advance: knowledge of the alphabet.

The gist: the meaning of this game for corporate parties for adults is a funny contest of congratulations. The game is simple: starting with "a" and further alphabetically, everyone comes up with a greeting for "their" letter. The author of the funniest phrase wins.

Hint: do not miss the letters g, zh, y, ъ, y. It will be fun. Oh my gosh!

Corporate party game: "Never!"

  • Number of players: from 7 to 15.
  • Prepare in advance: chips for each participant, at least three pieces.

The bottom line: a game of honesty. The first player says, "I never..." and names something he has never done in his life. Everyone who, on the contrary, had this experience, give the hero one chip. Everyone's job is to come up with something that they didn't do unlike most of them. The winner is the one who, after a certain number of laps, scores the most chips. After such a game for the company, the corporate party will definitely be remembered, and the most memorable and compromising material on colleagues will get.

Hint: as chips you can use matches, pre-cut pieces of paper, large beans. But you should not use the knowledge gained about colleagues for your own selfish purposes. Come to think of it, Irochka's secretary never came to work on time, but she won! By the way, "Never!" can be played not only in the office, but also, say, in a country house where you have gathered with colleagues. Off-site games for corporate events can be not only serious business trainings, but also such fun contests.


Game for corporate party: "From the new line"

  • Number of players: any.
  • Prepare in advance: pens or pencils, print on sheets of paper the beginning of some famous poem.

The gist: Let everyone add their rhyming ending to a given poem. Believe me, even the popular "A bull goes, swings..." with the light hand of your colleagues during this game for a corporate party will find an unpredictable happy ending (and maybe not a happy!).


Hint: prepare some printouts, the game is addictive. And listen to what this bull will eventually come to...

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